Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1388 Death as apology

"It will be fine when spring comes." Now, Xiao Changyi could only say this.

Seeing that his wife's hands and feet were covered with frostbite, he felt really distressed. He wished that he had frostbite while his wife was fine.

Xiao Changyi put away the ointment before putting on An Jing's shoes and socks. Then, he fetched a basin of hot water and washed his hands with An Jing. After washing his hands, Xiao Changyi sat back down next to Anjing.

Jing Jing leaned on Xiao Changyi's shoulder, and Xiao Changyi also hugged An Jing's shoulder.

The two of them just leaned against each other in silence for a long time.

"Mr. sir." Suddenly, Jing Jing shouted. A very light sound.

"Huh?" Xiao Changyi responded immediately.

"It's December now, and we have to spend this year on the road." In the past, she and he were both at home during the Chinese New Year, but now they are able to live outside, but they just miss their children.

Xiao Changyi knew the deep meaning of her words and didn't say anything, but the hand around her tightened, and at the same time, he softly responded: "Yes."

the other side.

As soon as Ye Zhi came out of Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi's tent, she planned to help the female soldiers get tents, but she only took a few steps when she saw Gong Juechen and Shi Shi talking not far away.

Although he couldn't hear clearly what Gong Juechen and Shi Shi were talking about, Ye Zhi could see Gong Juechen and Shi Shi talking and laughing.

Ye Zhi couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Thinking that Shi Shiming's bright eyes and white teeth were much prettier than hers, Ye Zhi felt even more uncomfortable. She pursed her lips and took a detour back to the tent where the female soldiers were stationed.

As if she didn't notice Shi Shi's absence, Ye Zhi helped the female soldiers set up tents.

The nine female soldiers were busy making tents, and Ye Zhi behaved as usual, and they didn't notice anything wrong with Ye Zhi. They were talking to Ye Zhi while making their tents.

Gong Juechen and Shi Shi didn't see Ye Zhi, so naturally they didn't see Ye Zhi take a detour. They just talked and laughed to hide their confusion, while whispering about things.

"Last time Ye Zhi was injured by bandits, I already let you go. If Ye Zhi is injured again, I will never let you go again." Gong Juechen said this without any emotion at all. Just like insensitive.

"Don't worry, sir, I will protect Miss Ye with my life. If Miss Ye is injured again, I am willing to die to apologize!" The purpose of her being sent to the military camp was to protect Ye Zhi's safety.

Gong Juechen said nothing more, just smiled at Shi Shi covertly, then turned and left, returning to the military doctor's tent where he lived.

Shi Shi did not stay any longer and returned to the female soldier.

When Du Aya saw Shi Shi coming back, she smiled and said, "Shi Shi, didn't you go to the palace doctor to get frostbite ointment? Are you about to arrive?"

Only then did Ye Zhi realize that everyone knew that Shi Shi had gone to find Gong Juechen.

Shi Shi also smiled: "Doctor Gong said that there is a lot of frostbite ointment prepared, but there are many people suffering from frostbite, and they have all been ordered. Now that there is none, there is no way to give it to me."

Ye Zhi was silent for a while, then took out a small porcelain frostbite ointment from her arms, and handed it to Shi Shi with a smile: "Here you go, I only used a little, and there is a lot more."

Shi Shi was a little flattered, "Lieutenant, you gave it to me, what did you use it for?"

Ye Zhi has been named deputy general. Now everyone no longer calls her deputy instructor, but calls her deputy general.

As for Jing Jing, Jing Jing was awarded the title of General Yingwu, so everyone naturally called her General.

Ye Zhi smiled heartily and said: "You have severe frostbite, so you should use it."

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