Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1394 You can’t see me, you can’t see me...

Those two agricultural officials were Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi.

Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi once learned from Jingjing how to make nutrient bowls to raise seedlings and grow cotton. At that time, Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi didn't know that Xiao Changyi and Anjing were Prince Yi and Princess Yi. , if you get promoted in the future, you must make Jingjing look good.

But now

The emperor has already informed Xiyun that he has ordered Prince Yi to serve as General Zhu Lin and come to defeat Xiyun. Now Xiao Changyi, who is riding a horse and walking in front of the soldiers, wearing armor and looking majestic, isn't that Prince Yi? !

And the female general following Xiao Changyi is Xiao Changyi's wife, the one who taught them how to make nutrition bowls. If Xiao Changyi is Prince Yi, then isn't An Jing the princess? !

How could Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi dare to be quiet and good-looking at this moment? It was too late for them to be afraid.

They are afraid, afraid to hold a grudge quietly, which will not only cost them their official positions, but also cost them their lives.

At the beginning, their words were very offensive to Princess Jing Jing.

He even looked down on Xiao Changyi, Prince Yi.

Originally, Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi were not working in the same place. They were transferred to Xilin City a year ago. Now, seeing Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, and learning their identities, Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi were both shocked. fear.

All turned pale.

Their legs were shaking a little.

This shows that they are actually very timid. Moreover, he is extremely afraid of death.

Afraid of being recognized by Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, when they recognized Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi, they all lowered their heads and kept thinking in their hearts: "You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see me."

The reason why the peasant officials came was just for a formality. No one expected them to make suggestions for the war. Therefore, as soon as Xiao Changyi and the others walked over, some officials followed Xiao Changyi and left, but the peasant officials could go back to their homes.

The other agricultural officials have indeed gone back to their respective homes, but Tong Nongzhi and Guo Nongzhi, you look at me, I look at you, both of them still have lingering fears. At the same time, both of them were very worried.

"Guo Nongzhi, can you lend me a moment to speak?" Tong Nongzhi took the initiative to speak.

"Brother Tong, you're welcome, that's what I mean, please."

When the two of them arrived at a place where they thought they could talk without hesitation, Tong Nong Zhicai said bluntly without hesitation: "Brother Guo Xian, I'm worried about you. The two of us offended the prince and princess back then. If the prince and princess see us, They shouldn’t let us go.”

"Brother Tong, I am also worried about this matter." Guo Nongzhi said with a sad look on his face. "Tell me, what should I do?"

"How could they be the prince and princess?" Tong Nongzhi also looked sad.

"Who says it isn't?" Guo Nongzhi sighed. "The good princes and concubines are not good at farming. They misunderstood us and offended them."

Tong Nongzhi also sighed, "It's okay if we don't have an official position. Who made us offend such two big shots? We admit it. But, I'm afraid that we will lose our lives. Now we have to go to war with Chilin," he said Maybe they will take this opportunity to kill us and put the blame on Chi Lin, so that the court will not be able to pursue it even if it wants to. "

If Jing Jing were here, he would definitely say that these two people have persecution fantasies. Moreover, they praise themselves too much.

"What should I do?" Guo Nong was scared and worried, and didn't know what to do.

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