Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1410 Exhausted physically and mentally, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Without waiting for Gong Juechen to answer, Ye Zhi asked again: "Am I not with Shi Shi and the others? Where are they?"

"There was a landslide and you were buried in the soil. Have you forgotten?"

Ye Zhi suddenly realized. No wonder her whole body was sore now, as if she had been run over by a car, as if she had been buried in the ground.

Gong Juechen continued: "I was afraid that you were in danger, so I came here to look for you. I happened to see a landslide and you were buried in the soil. Then, I dug you out from the soil. As for your five soldiers , I didn’t pay attention, but they should be fine, they were still fine when I took you away.”


As soon as Ye Zhi heard Gong Juechen's words about digging her out of the soil, her eyes instantly fell on Gong Juechen's hands. She saw that the skin on Gong Juechen's hands was so badly broken that she could see inside. She felt pain just looking at his flesh.

Now, she didn't need to ask, she knew that he dug her out of the soil with those two hands.

With mixed feelings, Ye Zhi opened her mouth, wanting to say something about him digging her out of the soil, but she didn't know what to say.

"Zhizhi, do you feel any discomfort in your body?" Suddenly, Gong Juechen looked concerned, "If so, you must tell me."

"Yeah." Ye Zhi responded uncomfortably.

"The snake meat is roasted. You must be hungry after being unconscious for so long. Come on, try it and see if it tastes good."

Ye Zhi didn't take the snake meat to eat. She just looked at Gong Juechen's hand, pursed her lips tightly, her eyes full of confusion. After a long while, she asked in a low voice: "Have you been given medicine?"

"Well, I've been there, it's okay, you don't have to worry." Gong Juechen smiled playfully again, as if he didn't care at all, as if those hands were not his at all and he didn't feel any pain at all.

"Here, let's eat and see." Gong Juechen passed some snake meat towards Ye Zhi again, hoping that Ye Zhi would eat it.

"Eat it, I still have a lot of dry food." Ye Zhi did not take the snake meat, but went to find the dry food bag on her body.

When Gong Juechen took off Ye Zhi's clothes to bake, he threw aside the dry food bag on Ye Zhi. When Ye Zhi saw that she did not have a dry food bag on her body, but was not far away, she leaned over to get it.

But as soon as she got the dry food bag in her hand, Gong Juechen snatched it away.

"You eat this, and I'll eat dry food." Gong Juechen looked like there was no room for negotiation.

"Gong Juechen" didn't know whether it was the pain in his body that made Ye Zhi tired, or Ye Zhi's heart was a little tired. Ye Zhi sounded very weak.

"I caught this specially for you." Gong Juechen still insisted, asking Ye Zhi to eat snake meat to replenish her body. With one hand, he passed a little more of the roasted snake meat towards Ye Zhi. Only the bag of dry food was hidden behind him, as if he was afraid that Ye Zhi would come and snatch it from him.

"You can also catch snakes?" Ye Zhi was a little surprised. She hadn't noticed the snake meat just now, but now that she noticed it, she was really surprised.

"I am a doctor. I have caught snakes and soaked them in medicinal wine before, so I naturally know how to catch snakes." Gong Juechen lied without changing his expression.

Ye Zhi took the snake meat, but after taking it, she gave half of the snake meat to Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen couldn't help but return everything he gave to Ye Zhi, fearing that Ye Zhi would be angry, so he only took a small part of it.

However, Gong Juechen felt that the snake meat was not enough to fill his stomach, so he took out the cakes from the dry food bag and heated them on the fire. Then, he gave two to Ye Zhi and asked Ye Zhi to wrap the snake meat and eat them together.

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