Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1414 Wild Boar

As soon as he saw Ye Zhizhi leaving, Gong Juechen, who was lying on the bed, complained: "Is there something you can't say another day? Look at you, you asked my Zhizhi to leave me again. I'm still hurt now."

Xiao Changyi didn't talk to Gong Juechen anymore. When he saw Meng Zhuqing closing the door from the outside, he asked, "How did you know that Ye Zhi went to that mountain?"

His wife took people to survey the terrain of Jingye City in the mountains. Apart from his wife, Ye Zhi, and ten female soldiers, he and Meng Zhuqing were the only ones who knew about it.

Even though the city defenders opened the city gate, they didn't know that his wife was going to the mountains.

His wife had told him that Ye Zhi was very tight-lipped, so she probably wouldn't let Gong Juechen know about such a confidential matter.

Meng Zhuqing doesn't know that either.

Neither did he or his wife.

Then the remaining ten female soldiers are suspects.

Hearing Xiao Changyi ask himself, Gong Juechen didn't panic at all, and even smiled devilishly: "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Gong Juechen didn't care whether Xiao Changyi said anything or not, and continued: "At the junction with Chilin, the number of patrols by Xiyun soldiers in a day has increased so much, and you and Zhuzhu are always looking in the direction of the mountain. , I just guessed it.”

Xiao Changyi made it clear that he didn't believe Gong Juechen's words.

Gong Juechen said no more and said with a smile: "Believe it or not, that's how I know it."

Xiao Changyi was silent for a moment and then said: "I believe you."

After a pause, Xiao Changyi said again: "I hope there won't be a day when I have to settle the accounts with you."

Gong Juechen burst out laughing instantly. They already talked about the general ledger, so that doesn’t mean they don’t believe him.

When Ye Zhi saw Su Chengyuan and the others, she felt at ease when she saw that Su Chengyuan and the others were really fine.

However, when Su Chengyuan and the others kept telling her that Gong Juechen felt as if the sky had fallen and lost everything after seeing her buried, she felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

"Okay, you guys are exaggerating. How could he be like this?" Ye Zhi smiled, showing her disbelief.

Lie Qi immediately said: "Lieutenant General, don't believe it. It's true. When Doctor Gong saw you buried, he not only felt as if the sky had fallen, but also went crazy, digging in the soil, trying to dig you out. But after finally digging you out, we found that you were not breathing. He was crying heartbreakingly and howling to the sky, which made us feel very uncomfortable. "

Ye Zhi was stunned, "Really?"

Not only Lie Qi nodded, but the other female soldiers nodded heavily: "Really! We swear by our dignity, we don't tell any lies!"

Only then did Ye Zhi believe it, and her heart suddenly felt complicated and bitter. It's not like her face is one that would make a country beautiful. There are many girls who are prettier than her. I really don't know why he is so obsessed with her.

At this moment, on the mountain connected to Jingye City.

Jing Jing has already drawn the terrain map and is coming down from the tree. It rained heavily yesterday and it stopped raining until midnight. Therefore, she could only paint the unfinished terrain yesterday at dawn.

Now, finally the painting is done.

As soon as he came down from the tree, Anjing led five female soldiers down the mountain.

But as they went down the mountain, they heard rustling, and everyone immediately stopped in alarm and looked around carefully.

Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, everyone continued down the mountain.

But they only took two more steps when a sturdy black wild boar suddenly sprang out from the deep grass and charged towards them with great ferocity.

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