Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1417: Loose Guards, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

Tuoba Yao was not very relieved and said: "General, let Wuyu go back. I will go with you to explore the enemy's situation."

"I saw it when I was drawing the terrain map. There seems to be a river between Jingye City and the mountain. Wuyu's water properties are better than yours." Although Tuoba Yao is more skilled than Li Wuyu, Li Wuyu is better than Tuoba Yao in terms of water properties.

Among the ten female soldiers, Li Wuyu has the best temperament.

After hearing An Jing's words, Tuoba Yao also felt that it would be more appropriate for Li Wuyu to follow him, so he forgot about it and said nothing more.

Then, Jing Jing took Li Wuyu to the other side of the mountain, while Tuoba Yao and the others continued down the mountain and returned to Xilin City.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

The reason Jingjing wanted to go deep behind the enemy lines to explore the enemy's situation was because he wanted to know more about the enemy's situation so that Xiyun could remain invincible.

What's more, she was standing on a tree using a lens to view the terrain, so it might be a little different from the actual terrain. She might as well go and see for herself.

Jing Jing and Li Wuyu fought their way through the jungle to the place where Jingye City is adjacent to the mountain.

The two of them quietly hid in the thick and deep grass. Because they were wearing jungle-colored camouflage uniforms and hiding in the grass, they almost blended into the grass, making it difficult for them to be discovered by the people in Jingye City.

As Jing Jing could see, there was a river between Jingye City and the mountain. The river should have been dug manually. It was about five meters wide and very long, but it only surrounded the foot of the mountain between Jingye City and the mountain.

On the other side of the river, there are many fires.

Obviously, this river was dug to prevent the beasts from the mountains from coming down and attacking the people in Jingye City.

This river is still very carefully constructed. Looking from Xilin City, you can't see the river dug between Jingye City and the mountain.

This mountain is very big, and there are many beasts. No one dares to go in. No one in Jingye City thinks that anyone will enter Jingye City through this mountain. As a result, Jingye City's guards on the mountain side are not strict at all, with only a few scattered people guarding it. With.

If a powerful beast comes down the mountain and crosses the river, they can report the news. This is the purpose of these people.

It was still broad daylight and it was easy to be discovered. Instead of swimming down the river, Jing Jing and Li Wuyu continued to sit in the grass, planning to wait until dark before swimming over to see if they could spy on the enemy.

When it was getting dark, Jing Jing and Li Wuyu ate some more solid food. Because they didn't know when they would be able to return to Xilin City, Tuoba Yao and the others gave them all the dry food they had.

If they save some of the dry food they have on them, it will be enough for them to survive for five or six days.

For fear of being discovered by the soldiers on the other side, Jing Jing and Li Wuyu did not dare to speak. They both relied on "you write in my hand, and I write in your hand" to communicate.

When the sky darkened and the surrounding scenery became blurry, Jing Jing and Li Wuyu took off their camouflage uniforms and went down to the river, planning to swim slowly to the opposite bank where there were no soldiers guarding them.

It was February and the river was still bitingly cold.

But Jing Jing and Li Wuyu endured the discomfort and continued to swim forward as if they were looking forward to death.

Jing Jing and Li Wuyu's movements were quite large, but the movement was very small, and they could barely hear any sound from the river.

It didn't alarm the few Jingye City soldiers guarding the river at all.

Those few soldiers were no longer the same ones during the day. Even if they were rotated, they were still very lax in guarding the riverside like those during the day.

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