Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1419 Warming up, the latest chapter of Nongmen Changan!

"It's a little strange." Suddenly, the soldier who patrolled the junction yesterday spoke again. "Yesterday I seemed to have seen the flag on their tower. It was not Xiao, but Su. Doesn't it mean whoever is in command will hang the flag?"

"You don't know this," a soldier said, "yesterday I overheard the general talking to the generals, saying that Xiao Changyi had long been given the surname Xiyun, and now his surname is Su. He was granted the title of Prince as an exception."

"Oh, so that's it."

The night was cold and the water was cold. Li Wuyu was so cold that he shivered a little after staying in the water for a long time.

Jing Jing noticed that Li Wuyu was shivering, so she silently gestured with her finger, telling Li Wuyu to swim back first, go ashore to relax and then come back.

Li Wuyu was afraid that if he shivered, he would drag down An Jing, so he swam back obediently and silently.

Jingjing continued to stay in the water, lying on the shore, revealing her eyes, looking at the situation in front of her, and continued to eavesdrop on the soldiers.

Just at this time, two more soldiers came, sat with those soldiers, and talked.

"Aren't you going to serve the general? Why are you here?" Those soldiers were very surprised.

These two soldiers were serving tea and water to the general. When a soldier asked, one of them replied: "The general said he had a headache and rested after dinner so that we don't have to wait in the tent."

"General, I have a headache. Does that matter? Have you been seen by a military doctor?"

"The military doctor has looked at it and said it's nothing serious. He should be fine after taking a dose of medicine and sleeping."

Once they heard that their general would be fine after a sleep, everyone felt at ease. If their general is still sick at this juncture, what will happen if Xiao Changyi leads his troops to attack the city?

"Aren't you serving General Huang? Why are you here too?" A soldier serving the general asked another soldier suddenly out of curiosity.

"General Huang and General Chen are discussing important matters. The discussion will last for a long time. There is no need for me to serve tea and water inside. If you ask me to get away as far as possible, I will just get out here."

"Hahaha——" Everyone was amused.

Jing Jing was not amused. Instead, she was thinking about how great it would be if she could sneak into the camp where the general lived.

The general here is the commander-in-chief. Generally, the tent where the general lives in the military camp is the most important place in the military camp. This is because in that tent, not only the highest commander of the army lives, but also many important things.

Like a military map or something.

If she can steal Chilin Kingdom's military map, then when they attack other cities in Chilin in the future, they won't have to take risks to explore their terrain.

Thinking of this, Jing Jing found that he was shivering a little. It was really cold at night and the water was cold, and his body couldn't bear it.

There was no other way, An Jing could only regretfully stop listening, sink into the water, and swim back slowly.

As soon as they landed, Anjing sat next to Li Wuyu, hiding behind the grass. Both of them were very cold, but they couldn't use fire to keep warm. They could only rely on the camouflage clothes that were still dry to keep warm.

In fact, the camouflage uniforms couldn't provide much warmth, so Jing Jing and Li Wuyu kept rubbing their arms.

Remembering that there was still liquor in the water bag, Anjing took it out and asked Li Wuyu to take a sip to warm up before she took a sip.

She carried two water bags, one for water and one for spirits.

It rained heavily last night, and we were in the mountains again. It was very high above the ground and very cold. In order to warm up, they drank a lot of strong liquor last night to warm themselves up.

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