Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1445 If something happens to me, you will live better

It was also at this moment that Jing Jing realized that the war was really going to start, and it would start tomorrow.

Xiao Changyi glanced at the sand table again, then raised his eyes and looked at the generals. His cold eyes looked like there were millions of soldiers: "Tomorrow."

He only said two words, and the generals immediately responded with a look of death: "We will fight to the death to capture Jingye City!"

The sound was high-pitched and earth-shattering.

As soon as Ye Zhi came back from the military camp, she explained to the female soldiers about the attack on the city tomorrow. After finishing speaking, Ye Zhi went to Gong Juechen and said that she could not take care of him tonight and asked a soldier to take care of him.

And she wants to go to bed earlier, and she will get up very early tomorrow.

In fact, the injury on Gong Juechen's buttocks has scabbed and he can get up and move around. However, Gong Juechen still wanted Ye Zhi to take care of him for two days, so he didn't want to get up and continued to lie on the bed.

And his reason is quite valid. The wound is scabbed, but what if I get up and move, and the newly scabbed wound is torn open again?

It was for this reason that Ye Zhicai allowed him to continue lying on the bed while she took care of him.

Now, Gong Juechen heard that Ye Zhi was going to attack the city early tomorrow morning and would not take care of him tonight. He immediately became worried, pulled Ye Zhi's clothes and asked pitifully: "Zhi Zhi, what are you doing?" Can’t we attack the city?”

"No!" One more person means more strength, she wants to go!

“So dangerous”

Seeing that Gong Juechen was really worried, Ye Zhicai slowed down and said, "I'll be fine."

Gong Juechen immediately held Ye Zhi's hand tightly, "Zhizhi, nothing will happen to you. If something happens to you, I don't want to live anymore."

Ye Zhi instantly squinted, "If something happens to me, you will live a better life, believe me."

"I can trust you in other matters, but I can't trust you in this." Gong Juechen looked at her with burning eyes.

Ye Zhi couldn't look at Gong Juechen like this. She looked away and said vaguely: "I don't care whether you believe it or not."

Immediately, Ye Zhi broke his tight hold on her hand and said, "Okay, I have to leave. A soldier will take care of you later."

After saying that, Ye Zhi turned around and left without looking at Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen watched Ye Zhi leave. When Ye Zhi disappeared from his sight, he murmured in a very low voice: "Zhi Zhi, I will send someone to protect you. You will be fine."

The city will be attacked tomorrow. That night, Anjing couldn't sleep. Her husband-in-law was already asleep, and she felt relieved to see her husband-in-law asleep.

If her husband-in-law couldn't sleep tonight, she would definitely worry that her husband-in-law wouldn't have enough energy to attack the city tomorrow.

The moon was very big and bright, shining through the window paper. As long as An Jing raised her eyes, she could vaguely see her husband-in-law's cold and perfect jawline.

Afraid of waking her husband-in-law, An Jing didn't dare to move, but she kept muttering in her heart: "Sister-in-law, you must be safe tomorrow. Nothing will happen to you. You must."

The next day, early in the morning, before dawn, Xiao Changyi got up, and An Jing followed suit.

It was still Xiao Changyi who dressed Anjing and put on shoes, combed her hair, brushed her teeth, washed her face, and fed Anjing breakfast.

Today, Xiao Changyi was going to lead troops to attack the city, but he still had to take care of himself. Jing Jing felt that he was dragging Xiao Changyi down.

But Xiao Changyi was happy with it.

After the two of them had breakfast, the genius was bright, and Xiao Changyi put on his battle armor in front of An Jing.

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