Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1463 Whoever is unwilling will be killed!

"Okay, then why don't you make this explosive with me." Jing Jing said with a smile.

"Boss, what are you doing with me like this? There's no need." Ye Zhi was particularly cheerful. "Just wait and see, we will definitely be able to blow up the Chilin Earth and shake the mountains!"

Jing Jing first looked at Xiao Changyi with a smile, and then nodded to Ye Zhi with a smile: "Yes."

It took Meng Zhuqing three full days to find everything An Jing needed.

As soon as the things were found, Jing Jing and Ye Zhi began to develop explosives in a room, and no one could disturb them.

It was also the day that Jing Jing and Ye Zhi began to develop explosives, and Emperor Chilin received news of the fall of Jingye City.

Not only was it lost, but the losses were particularly heavy.

"You have 650,000 soldiers and horses, but you can't defeat someone else's 300,000?! And 500,000 were wiped out? Only 150,000 are left?!" Emperor Chilin looked at the young general who reported to him with a ferocious face.

The young general knelt on the ground, terrified and frightened, and did not dare to speak at all.

"We, Chilin, have always occupied other people's cities. How can anyone else occupy our city? Now we have not only lost the war, but also let Jingye City fall to Xiyun. How should other countries laugh at us Chilin!" Emperor Chilin! Even more angry.

Everyone was silent, fearing that Emperor Chilin would vent his anger on them.

"Qian Taiwen!" Emperor Chilin suddenly shouted angrily.

Qian Taiwen immediately came out and said, "The general is here!"

"You are now ordered to be the city-capture general and lead an army of 800,000 to recapture our Chilin city, Jingye City!"

Before Qian Taiwen obeyed the order, Prime Minister Chilin hurriedly objected: "Your Majesty, if we send so many troops again, I am worried that there are not enough troops in other places. What should we do if other countries take the opportunity to attack our country?"

Emperor Chilin immediately said: "Immediately start a nationwide recruitment! All adult men will be recruited to serve as soldiers. Anyone who is not willing will be killed!"

The prime minister and other officials wanted to object. This forced conscription could easily lead to widespread resentment among the people. When the time comes, it would be even more unthinkable. But before they could speak, Emperor Chilin angrily scolded them: "Whoever dares to object, I will kill him right now!"

When everyone heard this, they all stopped talking, and no one dared to say a word of objection.

Seeing that no one dared to object, Emperor Chilin looked at Qian Taiwen again and said: "If you can't take back Jingye City this time, you can die there like Ma Dagong. I will punish you even if you come back." !”

Qian Taiwen felt very resentful that Emperor Chilin said such words. However, as a Chilin man and facing a national crisis, he should be merciful and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the general will fulfill his mission!"

Not only did Emperor Chilin get the news of the fall of Jingye City, other countries also learned about it, knowing that Xiao Changyi only used an army of 300,000 to defeat Chilin's army of 650,000. Not only did he occupy Jingye City, he also suffered losses from Chilin. It was so tragic that all countries were horrified.

In the past, they thought that Xiao Changyi could not defeat the Chilin Kingdom, but now, they were afraid. They were afraid that Xiao Changyi would crush the Chilin Kingdom. By then, Chilin would belong to Xiyun, and the Xiyun Kingdom would dominate. Which country could follow suit? Xiyun competes?

At least Chilin is still holding Xiyun in check now.

Therefore, some countries want to lend a helping hand to Chilin, want to help Chilin, and jointly defend against the enemy.

But when the envoys of those countries told the Chilin Emperor about this matter, the Chilin Emperor, who was used to being the boss, felt embarrassed. Not only did he not accept their assistance, he also severely humiliated those countries.

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