Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1470: reaping the benefits

"Yesterday, a spy who sneaked into Shuangli City came back and said that Shuangli City had posted an imperial list and that Emperor Chilin had imposed mandatory conscription across the country. All men who are adults and have sound hands and feet must serve as soldiers. Anyone who is not qualified will be shot. "

Shuangli City is another city in Chilin Kingdom, this Anjing knows.

But after hearing what happened, Jing Jing frowned and strongly disagreed with Emperor Chilin's approach: "This will arouse public anger."

Xiao Changyi said, "This is the best. If they rebel, we will reap the benefits."

Jing Jing smiled immediately: "Yes."

More than half a month later, on March 20th, Qian Taiwen finally led his army to attack the city.

Qian Taiwen was appointed as the city-capture general by Emperor Chilin and led an army of 800,000 to recapture Jingye City.

Among these 800,000, there were 150,000 people who ran away from Jingye City when they heard the news.

Qian Taiwen had already asked the general who was guarding the west gate of Jingye City at that time, and asked Xiao Changyi how he attacked Jingye City.

When Qian Taiwen heard that Xiao Changyi had sent people to cross the mountains and rivers to enter Jingye City, Qian Taiwen immediately decided to send people to cross the mountains and rivers to attack Jingye City.

Unlike Xiao Changyi who only sent more than 2,000 troops to attract troops, Qian Taiwen planned to send 300,000 troops.

That is the weak area of ​​Jingye City. No matter how tight the guards are, in Qian Taiwen's opinion, it is better to attack Jingye City than other places.

They couldn't bypass the south gate and west gate of Jingye City, so they couldn't attack them. The rest, apart from attacking through mountains and rivers in the east, only the north gate could be attacked.

Qian Taiwen planned to personally lead another 500,000 troops to attack the north gate of Jingye City.

Before Qian Taiwen's attack, Xiao Changyi had divided the 400,000 troops in Jingye City into four parts, 10,000 at the south gate, 10,000 at the west gate, 200,000 at the east, and 180,000 at the north gate.

The reason why there are 200,000 in the east is because Xiao Changyi believes that the weakest area in Jingye City is the location on the east side of the mountain.

Although he felt that the possibility of the South Gate and West Gate being attacked was almost zero, Xiao Changyi still placed catapults and stones on the South Gate and West Gate towers just in case.

There are also many catapults arranged on the east side.

The one with the most catapults is the north gate. There is a catapult almost a step away from the north gate. If it were not convenient for soldiers to put stones on the catapult, Xiao Changyi would probably not leave a gap between the catapults.

In addition to catapults, archers were also deployed in the southeast, northwest, and the east and north gates had the most.

Among the 400,000 soldiers in Jingye City, 100,000 surrendered. In fact, Xiao Changyi did not completely trust these people. This battle could be regarded as a verification of the sincerity of these 100,000 soldiers to surrender.

And Xiao Changyi also secretly ordered that if any of the 100,000 soldiers rebelled, they would be killed without mercy.

On this day, Qian Taiwen came to the north gate of Jingye City with an army of 500,000 people. As soon as he arrived, he saw a general he knew standing on the city tower. He immediately became angry and cursed: "Ge Xiangchong, you As a Chilin general, you actually surrendered! How can you face your ancestors after death?"

Ge Xiangchong said: "Emperor Chilin doesn't treat me as a human being, why can't I surrender? Here, I can be a human being, and my ancestors will not think that I am worse than a dog."

As the coach, Xiao Changyi was naturally on top of the tower, but he just watched all this quietly and did not stop Ge Xiangchong from speaking. Of course, he also knew clearly that Ge Xiangchong's skills were also good, and Meng Zhuqing was no match for him.

If he sincerely surrenders and can be used by Xiyun, it will be a good thing.

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