Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1473 Xiao Changyi’s respect

Du Yahan smiled and said: "I don't have any other abilities, I just have a bit of brute strength."

When Xiao Changyi saw Du Aya destroying the ram, he didn't say anything. He just looked away and went to watch the enemy attack the city.

When the Chilin soldiers saw that the charging carriages had been smashed, their morale was even lower. Some people didn't even follow Qian Taiwen and rushed forward.

In their opinion, it would be better to be killed by Qian Taiwen with a sword than to be stoned to death.

But Qian Taiwen had to attack the city.

Emperor Chilin said that if he could not take back Jingye City, he would die here like Ma Dagong.

"General!" Qian Taiwen's lieutenant rode in front of Qian Taiwen, preventing him from advancing any further. "If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood!"

The meaning is obvious, let Qian Taiwen evacuate immediately and stop attacking the city. The losses are too heavy!

Qian Taiwen looked at the corpses strewn across the field and said sadly: "They can throw stones at us and we can't resist. That will be the case no matter when we come to attack the city."

The lieutenant general said: "That's true, but General, you can't go in knowing that it's a dead end, right?"

Qian Taiwen said: "As a Chilin person, I will not surrender, but the emperor is becoming more and more addicted to women, more and more violent, more and more insistent on his own way, killing countless innocent people indiscriminately, I can't persuade him, so why not If you die here, it will be over."

The lieutenant general also knew that Emperor Chilin asked Qian Taiwen to die here to apologize if he could not take back the city, and Qian Taiwen refused to surrender, so he had no choice but to die. The lieutenant immediately clasped his fists and said: "General, I owe you to the general." Promotion is what makes us what we are today. The general is as kind as a mountain to the general. On the road to the underworld, the general will keep him company! "

"Okay!" Qian Taiwen didn't want to follow his lieutenant back to Xiyun, and he didn't want his lieutenant to continue to live in the dire straits of Chilin. He might as well die fighting with him now.

Then, the two of them rushed forward regardless of whether there were Chilin soldiers with them. The two of them rode horses and rushed into the rain of arrows and stones, both looking like they were determined to take back Jingye City to the death.

Xiao Changyi stood on the tower, quietly watching Qian Taiwen and Qian Taiwen's lieutenant rush into the rain of arrows and stones tragically and loyally, a look of pity flashed through his cold eyes, and at the same time, an expressionless expression appeared on his face. Respect.

The stone did not hit the two of them, but the stone hit their horses. Their horses fell, causing them to fall to the ground. Arrows rained all over, and they immediately waved their swords. Let the arrows hurt them.

But there were too many arrows, and they could not block one or another. Not long after they resisted, they were hit by several swords and died.

The general Qian Taiwen was dead, and the Chilin soldiers did not dare to attack the city. They even fled for fear that Xiao Changyi and others would open the city gate and rush out to kill them.

Ge Xiangchong saw Qian Taiwen and his deputy general dead, and felt very complicated. He walked up to Xiao Changyi and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, he heard Xiao Changyi say calmly: "Two of them, please trouble General Ge." Well buried."

Ge Xiangchong immediately clasped his fists and said, "Yes, General!" After a pause, "Thank you, General!"

It can be seen that he was also thinking about whether he could bury Qian Taiwen and the lieutenant.

When Xiao Changyi saw that the crisis at the north gate was resolved, he did not stay at the north gate and took Meng Zhuqing and the others to the east of Jingye City. However, there are soldiers from Chilin who want to attack Jingye City from the mountains, and they don’t know what is happening there now.

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