Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1475 Famous in the Military

Not wanting wild beasts from the mountains to break into Jingye City, Xiao Changyi had people quickly pick up the floating bridge planks on the river.

At the same time, Xiao Changyi also asked people to burn a fire at least six meters wide around the river to prevent some wild beasts that could swim into Jingye City.

When the fire started burning, Xiao Changyi stood quietly outside the fire and looked at the other side of the fire. In the five-meter-wide river, there were many corpses floating in the river. The bright red blood had stained the river water, which was very shocking.

On the mountainside near the river, there are more and more wild animals, and there is even a tiger.

It was rare that the beasts were not fighting, they were all looking for food and eating the corpses.

All the Chilin soldiers who could escape fled, and those who could not escape became the prey of the beasts. Even though a long time passed, the beasts had no intention of leaving. After eating, they stayed by the mountain, intending to get hungry. Eat again.

Xiao Changyi looked calm, but Meng Zhuqing and the others looked disgusted.

"This fire cannot be extinguished." There were too many corpses. Now that the beasts have discovered it, they will not leave for a while. Xiao Changyi told the fire not to extinguish it before turning around and leaving.

There were many ferocious beasts on the opposite side, and Meng Zhuqing did not dare to lead people to deal with the corpses on the other side of the fire. Meng Zhuqing only led people to deal with the corpses in Jingye City.

The bodies outside the north gate were handled by Qi Tengfei and others.

This time, Xiao Changyi lost more than 500 soldiers. Chilin initially estimated that the loss was nearly 500,000.

Jing Jing and Ye Zhi were developing explosives behind closed doors in Xilin City. If it hadn't been for the loud killing noise, they wouldn't have known that Chi Lin was attacking Jingye City today.

Although there was a catapult, Jing Jing felt that it would be no problem to defend the city, but Jing Jing still couldn't help but worry.

When she learned that Jingye City was defended and she saw her appear in front of her quite safely, she felt completely at ease.

However, when he learned that many people had died, Jing Jing sighed: "It is really inevitable that people will die in war."

Ye Zhi also sighed.

After sighing, Ye Zhi said: "Boss, fortunately our explosives are almost ready. I hope there will be fewer deaths in the future."

Even though death is inevitable, she, like Jing Jing, really doesn't like seeing corpses scattered everywhere and rivers of blood flowing.

Jing Jing sighed again, and then said to Xiao Changyi: "My lord, you can send people to sneak into the cities in Chilin."

What are you doing by sending people to sneak into various cities in Chilin? Of course, it was to spread the rumor that Xiyun's defeat of Chilin was God's will.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi had talked before. When Jing Jing said this, Xiao Changyi responded: "Yeah."

Immediately, Jing Jing and Ye Zhi went to see the female soldiers.

Tuoba Yao followed.

Because Tuoba Yao followed An Jing, Tuoba Yao did not participate in this tough battle to defend the city.

But the other nine female soldiers all participated, especially Du Aya, who performed particularly eye-catchingly.

The four of them, Baoqin, Lieqi, Tingshu, and Picking Paintings, are working as archers on the north gate tower today. What they learned was bow and arrow, and today they killed many Chilin soldiers.

The other male archers naturally did not dare to underestimate the four of them.

Because of her strength, Du Aya was assigned to help throw stones at the North Gate Tower. Later, she became famous in the army for lifting a stone weighing one to three to four hundred kilograms and smashing the enemy's car.

Among the female soldiers, Du Aya is now the most famous.

Li Wuyu, Su Chengyuan, Shi Shi, and Liu Feifei were on the east side, defending against the enemy with Qi Weimeng and others. Their performance was no worse than that of male soldiers, and even better than that of some generals.

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