Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1480 It’s best for the whole world to know

Gong Juechen just remained silent, then moved his eyes away from An Jing and looked at Xiao Changyi, wanting to see if Xiao Changyi could help him win over Ye Zhi and make Ye Zhi agree to marry him.

But Xiao Changyi ignored him. He didn't even look at him.

Gong Juechen: ""Is this God trying to torture me?

Jing Jing was still eating, but over at the military camp, Qi Tengfei had already spread the news that Qi Gaoda and Du Aya were going to get married when they returned to Beijing, causing almost the entire army to know about Qi Gaoda and Du Aya.

From Qi Tengfei's point of view, this was a great event. His adopted daughter became his daughter-in-law, and he was naturally very happy. Naturally, he wanted to share it with everyone, so that everyone could be happy with him.

Du Aya was already famous in the military, and now she is famous again. Even though Du Aya looks like a boy and not like a woman at all, everyone is very optimistic about the pairing of Du Aya and Qi Gaoda. Du Aya and Qi Gaoda look so good standing together.

The happiest person is Qi Gaoda.

I was originally worried that it would take a long time to settle down with Duaya, but I didn't expect it to be so quick.

Now, his father is helping him publicize it again, and the whole army knows about him and Du Aya. Naturally, no one will have any ideas about his future wife Du Aya. For this, he is really grateful. His dad.

Liu Feifei felt particularly envious when she learned that Du Aya and Qi Gaoda were together without any obstacles and had received blessings from the entire army.

Not many people knew about her and Liu Buli. She also wanted to be upright and upright like Du Aya and be blessed and favored by so many people. She also wanted to marry her beloved after returning to Beijing.

Chilin's attempt to recapture Jingye City failed, and he was still defeated. In one defense and one attack, Chilin lost nearly a million soldiers. In Xiao Changyi's opinion, Emperor Chilin should not send anyone to attack Jingye City again.

From the imperial list issued by Emperor Chilin for compulsory conscription, it can be seen that Chilin no longer has that many troops, and the compulsory conscription is just a casual training and then pushed onto the battlefield. Such a force is simply vulnerable and not something to be afraid of.

However, there are still many ferocious beasts hanging out on the mountainside, eating corpses, and the military camp is still under high security.

The fire around the river never went out.

According to Jing Jing's wishes, Xiao Changyi has sent many people to sneak into other cities in Chilin, spreading the word that Chilin's destruction by Xiyun is God's will, and Chilin will soon shake the earth and the mountains to show God's will.

Xiao Changyi even spread this statement in Jingye City and Xilin City, letting everyone spread it by word of mouth. It is best to spread it to everyone in the world.

Xiao Changyi was spreading rumors of God's will, and Jing Jing and Ye Zhi were not idle either. The two continued to develop explosives.

Finally, on March 24, the amount of explosives they needed was developed.

It was also on this day that Emperor Chilin learned that not only had Jingye City not been recaptured, General Qian Taiwen had also died in the battle in Jingye City, and even lost more than 500,000 troops.

In just two battles, he lost millions of troops.

Feeling that Chilin was in danger, Emperor Chilin was furious. Linghe happened to be nestling in his arms. He immediately took out his anger on Linghe, grabbed Linghe's hair and pulled it down. While forcing Linghe to raise his face, he gave him a hard blow. Linghe slapped him several times, causing Linghe's face to be red and swollen, and the corners of his mouth to bleed.

Emperor Chilin even yelled at Linghe: "You are such a bitch! If it weren't for you, how could I have killed Su Haoyu and caused the two countries to go to war! You must pay me millions of troops!"

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