Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1485 If something happens to her, you guys can come and see her

Seeing that Meng Zhuqing didn't look like he was lying, and probably really didn't know where Ye Zhi and Jingjing had gone, Gong Juechen looked at Xiao Changyi again and said with a flattering look on his face: "Changyi, even if you don't tell me that Jingjing is here, "No, that doesn't matter. Just tell me where my Zhizhi is. If you don't tell me where she is, I will be worried."

Xiao Changyi suddenly leaned forward, approached Gong Juechen, and said in a voice that only Gong Juechen could hear: "Don't you have great supernatural powers? Don't you know where they went?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Changyi turned around and walked down the tower without waiting for Gong Juechen to speak.

Meng Zhuqing and others quickly followed.

Gong Juechen watched Xiao Changyi's figure disappear from sight, and then cursed: "I really don't know now."

"But" he said with a smile in his eyes after a while, "I should know something later."

Immediately, Gong Juechen returned to the military doctor's tent.

He lived alone in a tent. There was a medicine shelf in the tent, and there were many kinds of herbs. The tent smelled of herbs anyway. Most people might not be used to it, but Gong Juechen was used to it, so he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

It's usually okay, Gong Juechen likes to prepare medicine.

Today was no exception. As soon as Gong Juechen entered the tent, he picked up the medicine jar, took a few herbs from the medicine shelf and put them in the medicine jar. Then, he crossed his legs leisurely. Sitting there making medicine, humming a tune, his posture was very leisurely anyway.

"Is Dr. Gong here? You asked me to come here to change the dressing last time, and I'm here." Suddenly, a male voice came in.

Gong Juechen continued to mix the medicine, but the left corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he responded loudly: "Here, come in."

Immediately, a Xiyun soldier walking on crutches and injured his leg walked in.

As soon as the soldier came in and saw that Gong Juechen was alone in the tent, he immediately stopped using crutches and could walk with his legs. He walked quickly to Gong Juechen and walked to Gong Juechen with great respect. A gift: "Lord!"

Gong Juechen glanced at him.

It was only a brief glance, but the frightened soldier quickly got up and continued to pretend to be a disabled person.

Gong Juechen then asked nonchalantly: "Where did Ye Zhi and An Jing go?"

"This subordinate doesn't know either, but he has sent someone to follow them secretly." After a pause, "They left through the north gate of Jingye City."

Gong Juechen continued to mix the medicine without looking at the soldier, and said in a nonchalant tone: "If they are in trouble, help them. If you can't save the two of them,"

After a long silence, Gong Juechen continued: "Just save one person. Ye Zhi must be saved. If anything happens to her, you can come and see her."

"Yes, the host!"

Anjing and Ye Zhi chose the ten largest mountains in Chilin to explode. Because the ten mountains were not in the same place, but were arranged in different directions, and were even far apart, it took a lot of time for Anjing and Ye Zhi to complete the task. long time.

By the time Jing Jing and Ye Zhi arrived at the mountain closest to them, it was already four days later.

At this time, it was God's will for Xiyun to destroy Chilin. God would be angry and warn that Chilin would shake the earth and the mountains. The news spread in Chilin, and it spread to the ears of Emperor Chilin.

As soon as Emperor Chilin heard this statement, he immediately ordered that everyone was strictly prohibited from saying this.

But the more Emperor Chilin forbids it, the more energetic everyone talks about it behind the scenes.

Jing Jing and Ye Zhi didn't think too much at this time. They just wanted to blow up the ten mountains as soon as possible and then return to Jingye City to join Xiyun's army.

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