Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1491 Are there any conditions?

Xiao Changyi also heard the sound of the flute, but he did not walk towards Anjing immediately. Instead, he waited until he had arranged everything in place before walking towards Anjing.

By the time Xiao Changyi walked to An Jing's side, An Jing's Liangzhou song had also finished playing.

At first, Jing Jing planned to play casually, but the more she played, the more she became immersed in it. Until the end, even though the sound of her flute had stopped, she was still immersed in it.

Where there is war, there will be death.

Lord Don't laugh while lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times? She hoped they could all go back.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything, just sat next to Anjing, stretched out one hand, and held Anjing's hand tightly.

Jing Jing was a little dazed, staring blankly at the hand holding her for a long time, then slowly turned her head, without saying anything, she just smiled at Xiao Changyi, the smile was not big, but it was enough to reassure Xiao Changyi.

"Mr. Sir, how long will this battle last?" Jing Jing suddenly asked. They left the Imperial Capital on the sixth day of November last year, and now it is July 20th. After all, it has been almost nine months.

nine months

Jing Jing felt that these nine months were so long, but she didn't know how many more nine months it would go through.

Xiao Changyi held her hand tighter, and after a long while, he said in a low voice: "We will reach Shuangli in a few days."

He didn't answer how long the battle with Chi Lin would last, just because he didn't know.

Including Chilin and the Imperial City, there are thirty-three cities, and now, they have only captured one Jingye City.

He really didn't know how long this battle would last.

Jing Jing didn't care whether Xiao Changyi answered her. She just looked at the sunset in the distance for a while, then smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't matter how long it takes to finish the fight, as long as we are all safe, as long as everyone is safe."

Xiao Changyi was watching the sunset with Jing Jing. When he heard Jing Jing's words, he turned his head and looked at Jing Jing's side face that was reflected by the sunset with a layer of halo. He didn't want to say anything, but in the end he opened his mouth and answered. Answering Jing Jing's question just now: "Everyone believes that this is God's will and believes that we will be able to go back soon."

After a pause, he gave a rough deadline, "Five years at most."

Jing Jing also turned around, smiled and looked at Xiao Changyi for a long time, then smiled and said, "Yeah."

Although she responded, she knew that in the past five years, it was just her husband-in-law comforting her.

She is not a fool, and the situation changes rapidly. The battle between Xiyun and Chilin may end soon, or it may not be over even when she and he are old.

On July 25th, Xiao Changyi stationed his army ten miles away from Shuangli City.

When letting the army set up camp, Xiao Changyi sent Meng Lanqing with a team of people to inquire about the current situation in Shuangli City.

It was noon when Xiao Changyi asked Meng Lanqing to go, but Meng Lanqing came back less than an hour later.

As soon as he came back, Meng Lanqing happily reported to Xiao Changyi: "Qiao Shouye, the general guarding Shuangli City, discovered us, but he was willing to comply with God's will and surrender without a fight."

Everyone else was happy to hear that.

Only Xiao Changyi didn't look happy at all and asked, "Are there any conditions?"

Meng Lanqing said: "There is a condition, but he is unwilling to talk to me. He wants you to come over, General. If you agree, he will open the city gate and welcome Xiyun's army into the city together with the people of Shuangli City. "

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