Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1493 I only believe in General Su!

"Haha," Qiao Shouye laughed out loud, "It's an honor for Qiao that General Su still remembers Qiao."

Xiao Changyi said: "What General Qiao did was for the common people and should be remembered."

"Don't dare to take it seriously, don't take it seriously. This is a training organized by the Qiao family, and Qiao doesn't want to discredit his ancestors." After speaking modestly, Qiao Shouye entered the topic, "General Su, General Meng must have told you, Qiao I won’t say much more, as long as General Su agrees to Qiao’s condition, these two exit gates will be opened for General Su immediately.”

"What conditions?"

"After you enter the city, you cannot hurt a hair of the people in this city. The people here have the same status as the people in Xiyun."

Xiao Changyi rarely smiled: "General Qiao is still the same General Qiao."

Qiao Shouye also smiled: "General Su has a great reputation. I hope General Su will still be the same General Su."

Xiao Changyi then said seriously: "Shuangli City belongs to Xiyun. The people of Shuangli City are naturally the people of Xiyun. They have the same status as the people of Xiyun. My emperor loves the people like his son and is kind-hearted. I am the general." I can agree to this condition on behalf of my emperor.”

"Happy!" Qiao Shouye laughed. "If Qiao doesn't trust others, just believe General Su! Qiao believes what General Su says! Qiao immediately opens the city gate, and General Su can lead his troops into the city at any time."

"Then there's General Lao Qiao." Xiao Changyi clasped his fist at Qiao Shouye again.

Immediately, Xiao Changyi ordered a soldier to go back quickly and asked Qi Tengfei to bring another 99,000 people. He wanted to bring 100,000 soldiers and horses to take over Shuangli City.

Regarding Qiao Shouye, he still believed in his character. He was a man of his word, and he was not worried about his false surrender.

It should be a real surrender.

Before Xiao Changyi and the others entered Shuangli City, Qiao Shouye rode on horseback and led several soldiers to Xiao Changyi.

And took the initiative to explain: "There are only three thousand soldiers and horses in this city. There were originally 20,000, but they were transferred away by Emperor Chilin. Many other cities were also transferred away, and they were all transferred to the imperial city. Emperor Chilin This is to abandon his other cities and defend the imperial city. As long as the imperial city is not destroyed, he will still be the Chilin monarch."

Xiao Changyi nodded, "Thank you, General Qiao, for informing me."

Qiao Shouye sighed and said: "Since Qiao has surrendered to Xiyun, he is a member of Xiyun. As long as my emperor treats the people well, Qiao's family will never betray my emperor for generations to come."

Qiao Shouye never thought of betraying Emperor Chilin at first, but Emperor Chilin went too far, making the people worse and worse, and even started to complain.

Coupled with the fact that this was God's will, he took advantage of the situation and lowered Xiyun.

"General Qiao is devoted to the common people, and Su admires him." Xiao Changyi's words were true. He respected this kind of person.

Qiao Shouye immediately said modestly: "Where is it?"

As soon as Qi Tengfei led his troops over, Xiao Changyi led people into the city to take over Shuangli City.

Seeing the people kneeling on both sides of the street, scared and worried, Xiao Changyi stopped his horse and shouted: "Everyone, get up."

The common people were still kneeling.

Xiao Changyi then said: "Don't worry, my emperor loves the people like his own sons and hopes that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. If you return to Xiyun, you are my emperor's people and you will definitely be able to live and work in peace and contentment."

When the people of Shuangli City heard this, they immediately kowtowed and shouted: "Long live my emperor!"

It can be seen how much the people here hope to live and work in peace and contentment.

"Everyone, get up." Xiao Changyi called again.

Only then did the common people feel relieved and happy.

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