Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1499 I don’t know if I don’t compare, but if I compare...

Wang Youbao took the small silver spoon from Li Wuyu's hand, wiped it clean with a brocade handkerchief, and then put the small silver spoon back into the wooden box.

As soon as he closed the wooden box, Wang Youbao took out a stack of banknotes from his arms and gave them to Li Wuyu: "There are fifty thousand taels here, take them with you in case you need them."

But Li Wuyu didn't want it: "The military camp will give me two taels of silver every month. I haven't used the money, so don't give it to me. I'm really afraid of losing it if you put so much money on me."

Seeing that Li Wuyu was very insistent, Wang Youbao retreated and settled for the next best thing, "Then let's put down a thousand taels. You only have so little money, so I don't feel at ease."

Li Wuyu saw that Wang Youbao was really uneasy, so he agreed: "Okay then."

When Wang Youbao heard that Li Wuyu agreed, he quickly took out a one thousand tael silver note from the 50,000 taels of silver notes and gave it to Li Wuyu to keep.

When Li Wuyu saw Wang Youbao like this, he didn't find it funny at all, he just found it very sweet.

As soon as Wang Youbao took the remaining banknotes back into his arms, he looked around again. Seeing that there was still no one around, he reached out and took Li Wuyu's hand and held it tightly.

This was outside, and he couldn't let go. All he could do was hold her hand tightly.

They haven't seen each other for nearly three years, and he falls asleep alone every night. He really misses this person.

Naturally, Li Wuyu missed Wang Youbao very much. However, as soon as she noticed that the hands she and Wang Youbao held were black and white, she immediately cried and said: "Baby, wuwu, I am so much darker than you now. I was obviously darker than before." You Bai, look at our hands, this"

I don’t know if I don’t compare. Compare.

Wang Youbao quickly comforted him: "I'm just a little tanned, it's okay." He didn't mind, not at all.

Li Wuyu still looked at their intertwined hands, with a sad expression on his face: "Our lieutenant general is not that tanned. It's all because the palace doctor refused to sell me the snow cream, otherwise, I wouldn't have been so tanned."

"Snow cream?"

"It's an ointment specially made by Dr. Gong for Vice General Ye to prevent him from getting tanned. I saw that Vice General Ye used it with good results, so I went to buy it from Dr. Gong. Dr. Gong asked me for ten thousand taels* *, I thought it was expensive, so I didn’t buy it.”

"Our family is not short of money. Just wait and I will buy you two coins." With that, Wang Youbao got up and went to find Gong Juechen.

Before Li Wuyu could stop him, Wang Youbao stood up and left. Looking at Wang Youbao's back, Li Wuyu, who was originally quite sad that he was so much darker than Wang Youbao, instantly became happy and felt very sweet in his heart.

Her baby is really nice to her

When Wang Youbao spent 20,000 taels to buy two small ** snow skin creams from Gong Juechen, while giving the snow skin creams to Li Wuyu, he coaxed softly: "Don't be sad about this, you are tanned, and you will still be tanned in the future. It doesn’t matter if you don’t come back for free, I don’t mind it. Don’t be so frugal with your money in the future. We don’t have anything else, but we have plenty of money. You can buy whatever you want, you know?”

"Yeah," Li Wuyu nodded happily.

Wang Youbao felt relieved when he saw that Li Wuyu no longer worried about her dark skin with a mournful face, but then he became worried again: "I think it's better to spend more money on you, you can save it, I"

As he said this, Wang Youbao felt very uncomfortable and quickly took out another banknote from his arms, wanting to give it to Li Wuyu again.

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