Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1506 Capture alive

Liu Feifei continued walking towards the tent where the female soldier was, while recalling where she had seen this soldier. When she remembered where she had seen this soldier, she immediately turned back and looked at those soldiers.

It happened that Qi Gaoda came out of Qi Tengfei's tent. When Liu Feifei saw it, she rushed towards the soldiers and shouted to Qi Gaoda: "Vice General Qi, those soldiers are Chilin people! Not us. people!"

She is the weakest among the female soldiers, so she naturally has to find helpers.

When Qi Gaoda heard this, he rushed to the soldiers faster than Liu Feifei and started fighting with them.

Liu Feifei also drew her sword and joined in.

The soldiers around heard this and came over one after another.

Those Chilin people were all very skilled, and Liu Feifei was no match at all. One of the Chilin people even wounded Liu Feifei's arm with a sword.

"Go to the side!" Qi Tengfei also heard Liu Feifei's shout and had already rushed out. When he rushed over, Liu Feifei was injured by a Chilin man. Qi Tengfei picked off the Chilin man's sword. After saving Liu Feifei, let Liu Feifei go aside and stay.

Liu Feifei didn't want to drag others down, so she quickly covered her injured arm and stepped aside.

By the time Xiao Changyi and the others arrived after hearing the news, the Chilin people had already been dealt with by Qi Tengfei and the others: four were dead and three were captured alive. Among those three, one of them looked familiar to Liu Feifei. that person.

Qi Gaoda was also slightly injured, but nothing serious.

"What's going on?" Xiao Changyi asked as soon as he arrived.

Qi Gaoda immediately said: "Miss Liu said they were Chilin people. When I fought with them, I found out that they were indeed." The soldiers patrolling Xiyun did not have such high skills.

The enemy actually sneaked into the military camp. Xiao Changyi immediately ordered a higher degree of martial law and searches throughout the camp to see if there were any enemy members in the army.

After the order was given, before Xiao Changyi said anything, Qi Tengfei said: "General, these three people are very tight-lipped. No matter what the general asks, they refuse to say a word."

Liu Feifei endured the pain in her arm and said, "General, I just saw them walking out from behind General Qi's tent. Maybe they overheard what General Qi said to the other generals."

Qi Tengfei immediately rejoiced and said: "Thankfully you discovered it. We were just discussing the siege plan. It would be terrible if Emperor Chilin knew about it."

Xiao Changyi said: "If you don't tell me, I will be tortured. Qi Tengfei, this person was caught on your side, so you will interrogate him."

"Yes, General!" Qi Tengfei immediately clasped his fists and asked Qi Gao and Qi Weimeng to go with him to interrogate the three Chilin people who were captured alive.

Seeing Qi Tengfei leaving with his people, Anjing asked Liu Feifei: "Feifei, how do you know they are Chilin people?"

Liu Feifei said: "There was a man among them with male and female eyes, an eagle nose, and big earlobes. He also wanted to take back Jingye City from the mountains. I happened to see him at that time. He should be a young general. I remember that he was wearing Chilin. A young general’s armor.”

Upon hearing this, Jing Jing knew that the man should be one of the survivors who had attacked Jingye City from the mountains. He smiled and said, "Feifei, you have done a great job."

Liu Feifei smiled sheepishly.

Liu Buli also rushed over after hearing the news, and he noticed at a glance that his sweetheart was injured: "Feifei, are you injured?"

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