Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1509 The east gate was broken

"General!" He was so caught off guard and so sudden that everyone on the tower panicked and had no idea why Fan Youyun suddenly bled to death between his eyebrows.

As soon as Xiao Changyi saw Fan Youyun fell on the tower, he knew that his wife had shot Fan Youyun. He immediately drew his sword and shouted with great force: "Attack the city!"

"Kill!" Meng Zhuqing and several generals immediately led the attack. Because the enemy general died, the morale of the army was greatly shaken at this moment.

The people guarding Chilin's east gate were in chaos because they had lost their leader, just like they had lost their backbone.

Without an order, the archers on the tower didn't even know whether they should shoot the arrows at Xiao Changyi and the others.

The main general is gone, but there are still other generals, but this happened so suddenly. No one knows who should take over as the main general first. In addition, the other generals are not as good at defending the city as Fan Youyun, so they can only defend according to Fan Youyun's previous instructions. city.

But their response was too slow. By the time one of the generals ordered an arrow shot, it was already too late. A large stone from a catapult came and immediately smashed the east gate.

Meng Zhuqing and the others had also crossed the river through the bridge built on the moat.

The east gate has been smashed open. There is no need for rams or catapults. The rammers and slingers are also waiting with swords and swords, rushing towards the east gate and killing the enemy with the large army.

Jingjing didn't have time to care about Xiao Changyi and the others. When she saw that Fan Youyun had been shot, she wanted to shoot another general on the tower, but the generals were bent over to look after Fan Youyun, so she couldn't see anyone at all, so she decisively He gave up and jumped down from the tree with his gun on his back.

Then, riding on Ta Yue, he went to the south gate at high speed.

Qiao Shouye was leading Ye Zhi and others to confront the people on the South Gate Tower at the South Gate. An Anjing rode on Ta Yue to the rear of the army without dismounting. He immediately aimed his gun at Xie Xingyuan who was in the middle of the South Gate Tower. .

At this moment, Jing Jing was very lucky. The general's armor was very different from ordinary people's armor, allowing her to recognize at a glance who was the South Gate general.

As soon as he aimed at General Xie Xingyuan, An Jing immediately pulled the trigger. He was very decisive and decisive, without being sloppy at all.

Immediately, Jing Jing quickly aimed at a general next to Xie Xingyuan, and before the bullet hit Xie Xingyuan, he shot again.

The bullet flew over the army and headed towards the city tower. Because the speed was so fast, no one even noticed it. The bullet hit Xie Xingyuan between the eyebrows. When Xie Xingyuan fell, another bullet also hit the general.

Xie Xingyuan and Xie Xingyuan's lieutenants fell down one after another. Everyone on the tower was shocked and confused.

Downstairs, Qiao Shouye was slightly startled. Don't know what happened.

Ye Zhi instantly understood what was going on and quickly told Qiao Shouye: "General, the enemy general has been killed by General An. It's time for us to attack the city!"

Only then did Qiao Shouye know that Xie Xingyuan was dead, and he immediately shouted: "Xie Xingyuan is dead, let's rush!"

As soon as the 100,000 troops behind them learned that Xie Xingyuan was dead, their morale was instantly boosted and they followed Qiao Shouye to attack the city.

While Qiao Shouye and the others were attacking the city, four hundred masked men in black came towards the south gate from different directions with extremely sharp long knives and a bloodthirsty cold light.

Jingjing was about to ride to the west gate when she saw these men in black and was a little worried that these men in black were harmful to them.

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