Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1513 Small Attic

There were still 300,000 soldiers in Chilin Palace. He didn't want the innocent people in Chilin Palace to be harmed by the war between the two sides. Seeing that the people had received food, Xiao Changyi asked people to arrange for the people to leave the imperial city.

After the war is over, we will arrange for these people to come back.

The common people were extremely moved. Before leaving the imperial city, they kowtowed to Xiao Changyi and the others and thanked them.

Before Qiao Shouye said a word for these people, Xiao Changyi settled everything neatly. No one was harmed, and all the people were properly accommodated. Qiao Shouye felt that he had brought the people of Shuangli City back. If you make the right choice, you will be more loyal to Xiyun. He doesn't do it for himself, he just wants the people to live well, that's all.

When all the people in the imperial city were sent away, Xiao Changyi did not immediately lead his troops to attack the Chilin Palace.

Now it seems that all the secrets told by the man who was captured alive while spying on the enemy at night are all true. Xiao Changyi and the others no longer have any doubts.

However, because they had just captured the four gates, everyone was physically exhausted. Even if they attacked the Chilin Palace, they would at least have to wait for everyone to rest.

What's more, Xiao Changyi had no intention of attacking Chilin Palace on his own initiative. His plan was to wait for the people from Chilin Palace to come out on their own. Otherwise, let those people starve to death in the Chilin Palace. Anyway, they have more food and grass than they do, so they can afford it.

Before, he was worried that the 1.3 million Chilin soldiers would be mobilized, causing the situation to be out of control, and their side would probably lose the battle. But now, one million Chilin soldiers have been wiped out, and only 300,000 are left. They didn't lose many troops and there was no need to attack the palace. They just waited for the people from the palace to come out and then try to catch turtles in the jar.

Xiao Changyi asked the 50,000 soldiers originally stationed in the military camp to guard the Chilin Imperial City and patrol.

These 50,000 soldiers did not participate in the siege, and they still have plenty of physical strength. They are now suitable for defending the city and patrolling.

As for the other soldiers, Xiao Changyi asked everyone to take a good rest.

However, because the palace is in the middle of the imperial city, and they are equivalent to being around the palace, in order to prevent people from the palace from suddenly rushing out, even if everyone is resting, they must remain alert at all times and be ready to fight at any time.

Within the imperial city, as long as there were houses in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest, they were basically occupied by Xiyun soldiers.

Even though four gates were captured, everyone, like Xiao Changyi, did not dare to take it lightly. No one dared to take off their clothes while sleeping, for fear that the 300,000 people in the palace would rush out and they would not have time to kill the enemy.

Anjing and Xiao Changyi lived in a restaurant closest to the palace. This restaurant had three floors, and there was a small attic on the third floor. Anjing and Xiao Changyi lived in the small attic.

A window was opened in the small attic, and Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi always stood by the window, looking at the palace through binoculars.

Even though this restaurant is the closest to the palace, it is actually quite far away, and the palace walls are also very high. In fact, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi cannot see the situation inside the palace at all, but they can see the situation in front of the main entrance of the palace.

One thousand meters in front of the main entrance of the palace, there are some Xiyun soldiers guarding there, just to prevent people from the palace from rushing out, and they can block it there as soon as possible.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Xiyun's army had already rested, but still no one came out of the Chilin Palace.

On this day, Ye Zhi came to find An Jing.

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