Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1523 You’d better think hard about how to pass my husband-in-law’s test

Gong Juese didn't stay too long and left, leaving An Jing and Ye Zhi staring at Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen looked pitiful, "It's true that my master asked me to hide my martial arts skills. My master asked me to do this. I have to do it, right? I'm the one who's been pushed by my master."

Immediately, Gong Juechen came close to Ye Zhi again and said with a playful smile: "Zhizhi, if you hadn't been busy today, I would have kept the matter of my martial arts a secret. How can I treat you?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhi nodded: "Yes, okay."

Gong Juechen only felt his scalp numb.

As expected, Ye Zhi continued: "It's great. You used to hide behind me like a coward and let me protect you. Well, it's great."

Gong Juechen spoke for himself in a very low voice: "I am more accustomed to others protecting me."

"You are so powerful in martial arts, you have the nerve to let me protect you?!" Ye Zhi glared at him angrily. If he hadn't come to the rescue today, she wouldn't have known that his martial arts skills were so high.

"Didn't I tell you, I'm used to it," Gong Juechen said in a resentful and pitiful tone, his voice also small and pitiful.

Ye Zhi: ""

"Zhizhi," Gong Juechen used his good hand to timidly pull the corner of Ye Zhi's clothes, "for the sake of me saving you, don't argue with me. Look, lusty Aren’t you also deceived by me? Seise didn’t care about me at all.”

"Am I your sister?" Ye Zhi immediately asked.

Gong Juechen immediately replied: "Of course you are not my sister, you are my future wife!"

Ye Zhi fell silent for a moment.

Jing Jing saw that Gong Juechen was not even willing to tell Ye Zhi, his sweetheart, the truth and would probably continue to hide it, so she stopped wasting her words and didn't stay any longer. She stood up and said, "I've already seen you. If you can’t die, then I’ll go back first.”

Gong Juechen immediately resented: "Jingjing, you didn't even say a nice word to me."

Jing Jing said without looking back: "I don't know what to say for you, but you should think carefully about how to pass the test of my husband-in-law."

Gong Juechen thought to himself: How else can I survive, of course not even to death.

After An Jing left, Gong Juechen coaxed Ye Zhi again, saying that he really didn't mean to lie to her. He also said that Gong Juese had been deceived by him since he was a child. He also said that it was really his master who asked him to hide his martial arts skills. thing.

"Then why did your master ask you to hide it?" Ye Zhi is not a beautiful woman, and one thing can easily change the story.

Gong Juechen opened his mouth to tell a lie: "I don't know either. He asked me to hide it, so I hid it obediently."

"Gong Juechen!"

"Zhizhi" Gong Juechen was particularly resentful, "Why are you holding on to this matter? Don't you have nothing to do to lie to me?"

Ye Zhi was stunned.

Gong Juechen continued: "How about this? If you agree to marry me, I will tell you why?"

Ye Zhi immediately said happily: "Okay!"

Gong Juechen was stunned for a moment. Immediately, he said happily: "Zhizhi, have you really agreed to marry me?"

Ye Zhi glanced at his injured right hand and nodded happily: "Yes, let's get married."

No matter whether this person likes her face or likes her as a person, it is a fact that this person is good to her, and it is also a fact that he has saved her time and time again. Now for her, he has revealed that he has always concealed his martial arts skills, and even Her hand was almost cut into four pieces by the sword. Even though marrying him might be painful in the future, she would never regret it if she agreed to marry him now.

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