Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1533 I just want to eat, drink and have fun

"It's a little heavy, so be careful."

While Xiao Changyi carefully put the battle helmet on Su Yijing's head, he told Su Yijing that the battle helmet was heavy. Su Yijing immediately understood and raised his two small hands to support the battle helmet to prevent it from pressing on his head.

Xiao Changyi is an adult. Although Su Yijing is six and a half years old, he is still a child. His head is not as big as Xiao Changyi's. Once Xiao Changyi's battle helmet is put on Su Yijing's head, Su Yijing's eyes, nose and upper half Their faces were all covered. When Su Yixing, An Yiqing, and An Yiyun saw it, they all became happy and fell into An Jing's arms laughing, thinking that Su Yijing was so funny.

Xiao Changyi held the helmet higher to expose Su Yijing's eyes. Su Yijing's eyes came out all the way. He quickly covered his head with the helmet. Even though it was loose, there was a big space in the middle and it didn't fit at all. But Su Yijing's little eyes were sparkling, which showed that he was very happy inside.

Seeing her eldest son's bright eyes and An Jing being very happy, she asked, "Jing'er, why do you like daddy's battle helmet?"

Before Su Yijing could speak, An Yiqing immediately raised his hand and said, "I know, I know, my eldest brother wants to be like daddy and grow up to be a general!"

Jing Jing took advantage of the situation and asked with a smile: "Qing'er, your eldest brother wants to be a general when he grows up, what do you want to do when you grow up?"

"Me," An Yiqing instantly smiled like a Maitreya Buddha, "I just want to eat, drink and have fun."

"You're so naughty!" Jing Jing scolded with a smile. "Your second uncle told us that during the two years you were in the palace, you were the most naughty."

An Yiqing was not afraid at all. Although he was only six and a half years old, An Jing's appearance showed that he was not angry. Therefore, he still smiled like a Maitreya Buddha and even moved a little closer to An Jing's arms.

"Mother, I want to be the number one scholar when I grow up!" An Yiyun said in a surprising way.

Jing Jing was stunned for a moment, looked at Xiao Changyi, and then asked with a smile: "Why do we, Yun'er, want to be the number one scholar when we grow up?"

"They all say that I can pass the exam, so I want to be a tutor." An Yiyun said seriously.

Su Chengyu had written many letters to Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi before about the children, and one of them mentioned that An Yiyun was deeply loved by the imperial tutors because of his talent and intelligence while studying in the study room.

As for An Yiyun's talent, even if Su Chengyu didn't say it, Jing Jing, a mother-in-law, knew something about it. When she taught the children to recite poems, An Yiyun only needed to teach them once and they remembered them. I always thought her child was smart.

Despite this, Jing Jing was still slightly surprised.

But before Jing Jing said anything, An Yiyun said again: "Mother, every time the masters test me and my brothers, I always come first."

Jing Jing immediately laughed and praised: "Our Yun'er is so smart."

An Yiyun's face was even more proud.

Jing Jing found it even more funny, but she also thought her little son was really cute like this.

At this time, Su Yixing said: "Mom, don't ask me what I want to do when I grow up, I won't tell you."

Before Jing Jing could react, An Yiqing laughed and said, "Second brother, what else can you do when you grow up, but collect treasures? Mom and dad, I tell you, Second brother has many treasures, and they are all from him." I asked my second uncle and the others for it, but now we can barely fit it into the room where we sleep.”

"I want you to talk more!" Su Yixing became angry instantly and glared at An Yiqing fiercely.

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