Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1543 He shouldn’t have any kind thoughts in his heart

Ye Zhi didn't know Gong Juechen's expression, and didn't hear anything wrong with this sentence. She just thought Gong Juechen was joking, so she smiled and lightly punched Gong Juechen, "Stop joking, how can it be possible in this world?" You can take it if you want it. Even if you can take it, I don’t want it. I told you, I just want to live a good life with you. I’m not kidding.”

Gong Juechen thought to himself: I'm not kidding either.

He really didn't want to wrong her. She was really wronged to be like this. Su Chengyu went too far.

The same goes for Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing. They just wanted him to coexist peacefully with Su Chengyu, but they didn't think about it, did Su Chengyu want to coexist peacefully with him? Su Chengyu only knew how to be afraid of him! Be on guard against him at every turn! I'm just afraid that he will be restless!

If Gong Juechen wanted this Xiyun, he would have taken it long ago, why wait until now? What's more, it's just a small Xiyun. If Gong Juechen takes it, he will not only take Xiyun, but the whole world.

Before meeting Ye Zhi, he only wanted his sister to have a good life and never fought over anything. As for how he was living, he didn't even care.

After meeting Ye Zhi, he wanted to fight, but he only wanted to fight for Ye Zhi. But how did Su Chengyu treat his Zhi Zhi, a meritorious minister? The more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved for his Zhizhi.

Especially when he thought of his Zhizhi being buried in the soil in a landslide and almost dying.

Why did his Zhizhi encounter a landslide? Not for Xiyun, but for Su Chengyu and his kingdom!

Even though it had been a long time since the landslide happened, he had never forgotten the heartbreaking feeling at all. He still remembered it clearly. He even had this dream several times when he was sleeping, and then he woke up with a fright. Cold sweat, he only felt relieved when he secretly visited his Zhizhi and saw that his Zhizhi was really still alive.

But now, the person he cares about has suffered so much injustice.

At this moment, he regretted it. He really regretted it. He regretted that he had sacrificed his life in the plague to save Su Chengyu, and even actually saved Su Chengyu.

He was obviously evil, but the good thoughts in his heart could not be wiped out. He was persuaded by Xiao Changyi at the beginning. For the sake of the people, for the sake of the common people, well, he tried the medicine with his own body, just to save Su Chengyu and let Su Chengyu Inherit the throne of Xiyun Emperor and benefit the people.

Now the people are blessed, but as for his family Zhizhi, she is implicated by him and is also feared by Su Chengyu

He should have let Su Chengyu die in that plague! What does the people have to do with him? His hands are obviously full of blood! He is obviously a murderer! He should listen to his master and not have any kind thoughts in his heart!

He resented Su Chengyu in his heart, but Gong Juechen didn't show any of it on his face. In fact, his peach blossom eyes were no longer horribly narrowed, but were filled with smiles.

"Well, let's live a good life." He whispered in Ye Zhi's ear, with a smile on his lips. There was also a smile in his tone. There is also happiness that cannot be hidden.

This person couldn't get what he asked for before, but now that he gets it, he will cherish it with all his life.

Involuntarily, Gong Juechen spoke in his heart again: "Su Chengyu, this time, because of the poisonous oath you swore, I won't argue with you, but who will let my wife suffer in the future?" If you feel wronged, I will destroy anyone!”

Ye Zhi didn't know what Gong Juechen was thinking. She just heard Gong Juechen say to live a good life and she nodded. There are more smiles on his face.

She was finally going to have a family.

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