Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1554 Xiao Changyi protects the matchmaker

While the four children were writing, Anjing also picked up the pen and wrote a few words. After finishing writing, she handed the paper to Xiao Changyi.

Xiao Changyi took the paper and his eyes flashed when he saw the words "Home and Everything Happened" written on it.

Immediately, he looked at his wife again, his cold eyes even more warm. The happiest thing in life is to meet someone who knows you and who knows you. And his wife is the one who knows him.

Even though he is troubled now, he is actually very happy.

When Jing Jing saw Xiao Changyi looking towards her, she immediately showed Xiao Changyi a big smile, like the warm sun in winter, it was bright and at the same time, it made the person's whole body warm.

Xiao Changyi was a little crazy looking at his wife like this.

The four children wrote some random words and showed them to Xiao Changyi, and then they drew Xiao Changyi's eyes away from An Jing.

And just when Xiao Changyi lowered his head to read the words written by the four children, someone came to report respectfully: "Your Majesty, Lord Yiyong asks to see you."

The Yiyonghou is Liu Buli.

Liu Buli is now not only a righteous marquis, but also a general. He holds a certain amount of military power and can be said to be an important minister.

Xiao Changyi didn't even look at the man and said, "Bring him here."


Soon, Liu Buli came to the study. As soon as he came in, he saluted Xiao Changyi and Jing Jing.

When the servants brought the stools and Liu Buli sat down, Jingjing smiled and asked, "Why are you here today?"

Liu Buli was a little embarrassed, but he still spoke: "The general was worried that Marquis Boyang would not agree with the general and Feifei, so he came to plead with the king with a stern face, hoping that the king would protect the match between the general and Feifei."

The beauty of quiet and happy adults, Liu Buli and Liu Feifei truly love each other. She said: "Ms. sir, please keep this matchmaker and go to Boyang Hou Mansion."

"Yes." Xiao Changyi stood up and walked out as soon as he responded.

Liu Buli was stunned, not expecting Xiao Changyi to go and help him with this matter immediately.

"I'll take my leave." As soon as he regained consciousness, Liu Buli saluted quickly to Jing Jing, and then hurriedly followed Xiao Changyi.

After defeating Chi Lin, Xiyun is now recuperating, and Liu Buli wants to take advantage of this moment to marry Liu Feifei home.

But although his ancestors were from the same clan as Boyang Hou, he actually didn't have much contact with Boyang Hou, and Boyang Hou had never thought of recruiting him as his son-in-law. He was very worried, fearing that Boyang Hou would not agree, so he Come and ask Xiao Changyi for help.

Xiao Changyi is now the King of Xiyun. His protection of matchmaking is equivalent to an imperial edict. Even if Marquis Boyang disagrees, he can only agree.

Xiao Changyi was going to Boyanghou Mansion to protect his match. Liu Buli would follow him to Boyanghou Mansion now, just waiting for Xiao Changyi to come back at the gate of Xiyun Prince Mansion.

When everyone in the Boyang Hou Mansion saw Xiao Changyi coming, they all knelt down.

Xiao Changyi went straight to the table and sat down. When Marquis Boyang got up, he said that he wanted to protect Liu Buli and Liu Feifei as matchmakers.

Boyang Hou was very surprised, but he immediately agreed: "Your Majesty protects the matchmaker, how can I not respond? Your Majesty, just ask Yiyong Hou to come and propose the marriage."

"Yeah." At the same time, Xiao Changyi stood up and left.

Marquis Boyang thought that Xiao Changyi, the king, would sit around in his palace a lot, which would be a matter of increasing glory to Peng Pi. But when Xiao Changyi wanted to leave, he couldn't stop him, so he immediately and everyone in the family sent Xiao Changyi off respectfully.

As soon as Xiao Changyi was sent away, Boyang Hou asked Liu Feifei if she knew why Xiao Changyi suddenly came to protect her and Liu Buli's matchmaking.

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