Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1561 Too worried to sleep

Xiao Changyi stopped talking, but still refused to take a step away from Jing Jing, staring at Jing Jing as if he would have menstruation if he stared at Jing Jing like this.

Jing Jing was even dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

That night, when having dinner, Xiao Changyi tasted the same and stopped eating after only a few bites. Just because his wife hasn't had her period yet.

Jing Jing was angry and amused when she saw that Xiao Changyi was worried that he couldn't eat anymore, "Ms., if you don't eat, I will be angry!"

Xiao Changyi then picked up the bowl and chopsticks again and ate something casually.

Seeing that Xiao Changyi really couldn't eat, Anjing stopped pushing Xiao Changyi, but she sighed: "I'm just like this before my period has come. If I were really pregnant, wouldn't you Worry to death?"

Xiao Changyi really responded, "Yeah."

In addition to being dumbfounded, Anjing was also dumbfounded.

After taking a bath, as soon as he got on the bed, Xiao Changyi stared at An Jing's belly again. After being silent for a while, An Jing sighed again, and then said: "Ms., that's enough. If you continue to behave like this, I will follow you." You are depressed."

Xiao Changyi didn't stare directly at Anjing's belly this time, but stared at Anjing's face. However, his cold eyes would still glance down unconsciously, looking at Anjing's belly, especially worried that Anjing was really pregnant. On.

"Ms., it's late at night, let's go to bed." From An Jing's point of view, his husband should not have random thoughts when he is asleep.

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi turned off the light without being very calm, and lay down next to Anjing. After hesitating for a moment, he pulled Anjing into his arms and hugged her.

Jing Jing deliberately hugged him and teased him: "Mr. sir, would you like to-" tonight

"No!" Before Jing Jing finished speaking, Xiao Changyi said these two words with some excitement. His arms hugged Anjing tightly, telling Anjing not to move around in his arms, lest he lose control.

"Hahaha" Anjing suddenly became very happy.

Xiao Changyi was a little annoyed. He lowered his head, caught An Jing's lips in the dark, and bit her gently on An Jing's lips as punishment.

Being bitten, but not hurting at all, Jing Jing still laughed. She didn't have her period today, and even if she did get her period tomorrow, her husband-in-law would definitely be frightened and would not dare to touch her for a long time.

Ha ha.

The more Jingjing thought about it, the more she found her husband-in-law to be cute and funny.

"Sleep." Xiao Changyi said these two words imperatively when he heard An Jing laughing in his arms and not sleeping.

Jing Jing was not angry at all, and asked with a smile: "Then you won't sleep?"

"Can't sleep."

"you are hopeless."


"Then don't worry, I'll go to bed first."

"Yeah." After a pause, he said in a very low voice, "I hope your period will come tomorrow."

"Hahaha" Jingjing laughed out loud again immediately. Her husband-in-law is really hopeless.

Except that she was menstruating, otherwise her husband-in-law would not feel at ease no matter how much she tried to persuade him. Therefore, Jing Jing stopped trying to persuade him. After laughing, she leaned a little closer into Xiao Changyi's arms and closed her eyes.

Her husband-in-law's arms were warm and safe, which made her feel sweet and happy. So, after a while, Anjing fell asleep and slept very soundly.

But Xiao Changyi never fell asleep.

Even if he closed his eyes, he couldn't sleep. I was really worried and couldn't sleep.

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