Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1565 Rolling on the bed

Ye Zhi had been given many things by Su Chengyu because of her many military exploits. This time, these things all became her dowry.

And An Jing added a lot of dowry to Ye Zhi.

Gong Juechen went even further and added a lot of dowry to Ye Zhi, so that Ye Zhi could have a beautiful life.

Eight-carrying sedans came to the door, and Ye Zhi walked out from the main gate of Xiyun Prince's Mansion. There were so many onlookers that they couldn't count them. For a moment, Ye Zhi was in a state of glory.

Gong Juechen took Ye Zhi's hand and helped Ye Zhi get on the sedan chair. Only then did Ye Zhi realize that Gong Juechen's palms were all sweaty.

Ye Zhi was a little surprised, and then her red lips slightly raised under the hijab.

The sedan chair was not carried directly to Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi's house. Instead, it circled around the Imperial City first. Shili Hongzhuang waved in front of everyone before the sedan chair was carried to the house.

The house was decorated in a very festive manner. Before the sedan chair came, firecrackers were set off in the distance. Until Ye Zhi was welcomed in, the firecrackers were still going off, which showed that the wedding was quite grand.

There were many guests.

But almost all of them were soldiers whom Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi knew during the war. The two princes Qi Tengfei and Liu Buli also came, as did the princess Su Chengyuan, Du Aya, Shi Shi, Qi Gaoda, Qi Weiwu and others also came.

Although the emperor Su Chengyu did not come, he sent people to give him many things and congratulate Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi on their marriage.

Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi didn't have Gaotang, so they bowed to Heaven and Earth twice as if they were worshiping Gaotang.

Before Ye Zhi, the bride, was sent to the bridal chamber, An Jing took Su Yijing and An Yiyun to roll around on Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen's wedding bed, called rolling bed.

This is the custom here, and it is said that you have to have a baby by rolling on the bed. Although Anjing feels that this custom is quite patriarchal, she still asked her two children to help her get out according to the custom here.

Roll from the foot of the bed to the head of the bed, then roll from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed, a total of three rolls back and forth.

An Yiqing and Su Yixing saw that their eldest brother and fourth brother were rolling on the bed. They thought it was so fun and climbed up and rolled around happily.

The people present were stunned for a moment, and then laughed. The person in charge even said happily: "This is going to give birth to a lot of kids."

Jing Jing was originally worried that having two more children would break the rules and make Ye Zhi angry, but here only two boys can have sex. But seeing that no one minded, she was relieved, and Ren An Yiqing and Su Yixing were also rolling on it.

As soon as the four children rolled out of bed, the person in charge rewarded the four children with money. This is also custom.

After the four children received the reward, they all fell silent. When everyone saw it, they all praised the children for being filial and sensible.

Jing Jing rarely felt that his face was full of light.

As soon as Jingxing Qingyun gave the reward to Anjing, he ran away. Jing Jing was afraid that the four children would be naughty and ruin this happy wedding, especially An Yiqing, a naughty boy. She wanted to chase after them, watching over the four children and not letting them have a chance to be naughty, but she had just taken a step forward. , and was grabbed by her husband-in-law.

Jing Jing understood instantly and stopped chasing. Instead, he walked, or walked slowly, not fast.

She was thankful in her heart that her husband-in-law was always paying attention to her. If she was really pregnant and accidentally aborted the child, she would definitely regret it for the rest of her life.

After the wedding banquet, Xiao Changyi took Jing Jing and the children back.

Originally, all the soldiers who came to the wedding wanted to have a wedding, but Gong Juechen secretly took anti-alcohol pills and drank them all down.

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