Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1572 The more you do this, the more I want to have a baby

As for Qi Weimeng and Shi Shi, that was a private matter between Qi Weimeng and Shi Shi, and Jing Jing had no intention of intervening.

She smiled at Qi Weimeng like that just now, just to tease Qi Weimeng.

After walking out of the Marquis Mansion and getting on the carriage, seeing that her husband-in-law still didn't talk to her, Anjing leaned into her husband's arms and smiled: "Don't be jealous anymore, don't you know who I only have in my heart?" "

Xiao Changyi hugged her and asked, "Who is it?"

Jing Jing immediately cooperated and said: "You! Who else could it be besides you?" After saying that, she even kissed him.

Xiao Changyi was no longer jealous.

An Jing was still in Xiao Changyi's arms and didn't come out, but she was giggling. Sometimes her husband-in-law is really easy to tease.

Although it was already the twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month, the night was still a bit cold. Even though it was warm in the carriage, Xiao Changyi still took the cloak on one side and wanted to cover An Jing's body.

Jing Jing pushed her cloak to prevent him from covering her, and said with a smile: "How can it be cold in your arms? Your arms are the warmest place."

Xiao Changyi also liked Anjing very much and would always say sweet words to him from time to time. The corners of his lips were slightly raised, he lowered his head and kissed Anjing, but he still covered Anjing's body with his cloak.

This time, Anjing didn't refuse.

Nestling in Xiao Changyi's arms, listening to the sound of the carriage advancing, after a while, Anhui said regretfully: "Rather than sitting in a carriage, I still prefer riding a horse."

Sitting in a carriage feels like being trapped, while riding a horse makes people feel free. Generally speaking, being quiet means being able to ride a horse without sitting in a carriage.

"Now is a special period." Although he doesn't want his wife to be pregnant with a child, her menstrual period has not yet come, so the possibility of being pregnant is really high.

And how can a person who is pregnant with a child ride a horse casually?

"I know." Jing Jing nodded. Immediately, his hand was placed on her particularly flat belly, and her eyes were looking at her belly, "My husband, tell me, do I really have another baby here?"

Xiao Changyi immediately said: "I hope not."

Jing Jing suddenly laughed, "Don't be like this. What if I'm really pregnant and our fifth baby hears it? He might think we don't like him."

"It's not necessarily the fifth one, maybe there's a sixth, seventh, or eighth in there." Xiao Changyi's face looked ugly. Obviously, he remembered Gong Juechen's crow's mouth, saying that his wife might be pregnant with multiples again!

Jing Jing was immediately amused and almost burst out laughing, "Do you think you are so powerful that you can make me pregnant with multiples? I am already satisfied to be pregnant with one more child. It is best to have the second child." It's a girl. I think we have a daughter."

Xiao Changyi was silent for a long time, then whispered: "I think our four children are enough."

"Hahaha" Jingjing was immediately amused and laughed again. After she stopped laughing, she said deliberately: "Isn't it important here that you have more children, more happiness, and more children? We only have four children, which is not enough."

Xiao Changyi looked at her deeply, "In fact, you are enough for me."

These words are both sweet words and sincere words. You know, when he got married to her, he thought she wouldn't give birth.

An Jing was instantly sweetened. Turning around in his arms, she hugged him and said with a particularly happy smile: "The more you act like this, the more I want to give you more children."

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