Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1585 Pregnant Women Gathering

An Yiqing immediately joined in the fun and said, "Mom, I hope you have three sisters!"

Su Yixing also said, "I hope I have three more brothers!"

Seeing that Su Yijing didn't say anything, An Jing smiled and asked, "Jing'er, do you hope that the baby in your mother's belly is a brother or a sister?"

Su Yijing said, "It's all right."

An Jing touched Su Yijing's head and asked Xiao Changyi, "Then my husband, do you think the three babies in my belly are boys or girls?"

Xiao Changyi said the same thing as Su Yijing, "It's all right."

An Yiqing immediately laughed and said, "Daddy, you learn from your elder brother, hahaha, your elder brother said the same thing."

But Xiao Changyi was not angry at all, and the corners of his cold mouth were slightly raised.

A family of six, happy and harmonious.

On March 20, Du Aya was diagnosed to be almost two months pregnant.

Du Aya was tall and strong, and looked especially like a man. Du Aya's pregnancy really shocked the people in the barracks. They felt that Du Aya's physique could not give birth to a child, and they dared not imagine it.

But Du Aya was very happy to be pregnant.

The people in the Qi family were also very happy.

Du Aya was pregnant, and like Li Wuyu, Su Chengyu allowed her to stay at home to rest.

On the second day of April, Ye Zhi was diagnosed with pregnancy.

Gong Juechen personally took Ye Zhi's pulse. When he confirmed that Ye Zhi was one month pregnant, he jumped up happily and kissed Ye Zhi several times to express his joy.

On the eighth day of April, An Jing, Li Wuyu, Gong Juese, Du Aya, and Ye Zhi, five pregnant women, gathered together to talk.

The location was of course the Xiyun Palace.

The specific location was the back garden of the Xiyun Palace.

The back garden was comparable to the imperial garden of the palace. In April, many flowers were in full bloom, colorful and particularly beautiful.

There was a pavilion in the garden, with tables and chairs in the pavilion, and cakes and tea on the table, so everyone could chat and enjoy the flowers.

An Jing's belly had bulged a little, worthy of being pregnant with triplets. But now An Jing is no longer suffering from morning sickness.

Without morning sickness, An Jing didn't suffer so much, and Xiao Changyi and the four children were relieved.

In the back garden, in addition to the five pregnant women, the husbands of the five pregnant women were also there.

Tuoba Yao was also there.

Meng Zhuqing was not there because she was out on business.

Except for Tuoba Yao, all the other women present were pregnant. An Jing wanted Tuoba Yao not to stay with them, so as not to make Tuoba Yao feel upset, but she thought that if she asked Tuoba Yao to leave, it might make Tuoba Yao feel even more upset, so she didn't say it.

Ye Zhi had heard An Jing mention that Tuoba Yao was unable to have children because she was trampled by a horse, so every time she talked to Tuoba Yao, she would not say that she was pregnant, but told Tuoba Yao something else, taking care of Tuoba Yao's feelings.

In fact, Ye Zhi also felt sorry for Tuoba Yao.

If it weren't for her husband Gong Juechen's interference, Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing would have been together long ago, and maybe Tuoba Yao wouldn't have been trampled by a horse and unable to have children later.

Li Wuyu also knew something and was very considerate of Tuoba Yao's feelings.

As soon as Gong Juese came to the back garden, she started to flutter butterflies in the garden and didn't stay in the pavilion at all. Even if she said something, Tuoba Yao couldn't hear it at all, so naturally she wouldn't let Tuoba Yao feel upset.

Meng Lanqing followed Gong Juese nervously, for fear that Gong Juese would accidentally kill the baby in her belly.

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