Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1589 Envoys from various countries

On the sixth day of April, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi entered the palace, planning to stay in the palace for half a month.

The four children are now particularly clinging to Anjing, the mother who is pregnant with the baby. They cling to Anjing whenever they have time, wanting to see Anjing's belly getting bigger little by little. They are not willing to live in a palace without Anjing.

But living at home, the four children have to get up early every day to go to school. They don't want the children to work too hard, so they can only do this. Come and live in the palace, and let your children live in the palace with you.

Still living in Fenghua Palace.

Su Chengyu did not have a harem of three thousand, but only Ning Wenxian. In addition, there were ten princesses helping to take care of the harem. Ning Wenxian did not have to take care of so many things. The queen Ning Wenxian also had time to come to Anjing here from time to time, and Have a quiet chat.

Su Chengyu was very busy, so it would be nice to visit Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi once in two days.

Because Chilin's territory has all been returned to Xiyun, Xiyun is considered the only country in the world, and this is a great event. Xiyun has already informed other small countries that Xiyun will celebrate the tenth day of April. .

The other small countries had originally planned to send people to congratulate Xiyun, but as soon as Xiyun informed them, they all immediately sent envoys.

They are afraid that Xiyun will think that their country looks down on Xiyun and cause trouble. They cannot afford to offend Xiyun now. Therefore, small countries do not dare to send low-status people as envoys to celebrate. Instead of sending their own princes, That is to say, send the crown prince or prince of your country, who are all powerful people from their countries, as envoys to come to celebrate and show your sincerity.

Envoys from various countries have arrived one after another, and Su Chengyu has to meet them all. This is why Su Chengyu is very busy.

Tomorrow is the tenth day of April, and Su Chengyu will officially celebrate with envoys from various countries.

As a king who is on par with Su Chengyu, the emperor, and as the general who defeated Chilin, Xiao Changyi should participate in this grand celebration, but Xiao Changyi is unwilling to go because he has to keep quiet.

After Jing Jing persuaded him for a long time and promised that he would stay in Fenghua Palace and wait for him to come back, Xiao Changyi was willing to participate.

The next day, in the celebration hall, ritual music sounded with great momentum. Xiyun's civil and military officials, princes and nobles all knelt down to welcome their emperors and kings into the hall. The envoys from various countries were not from Xiyun and represented their countries. , so they did not kneel, but stood.

Su Chengyu and Xiao Changyi, dressed in their respective attires, one with the power of an emperor and the other with the power of a king, walked into the hall side by side. The civil and military officials, princes and nobles immediately shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live my king."

In the main hall, on the jade steps, there are two seats, regardless of priority, they are the seats of Su Chengyu and Xiao Changyi.

Xiao Changyi didn't want to say anything, so as soon as Su Chengyu sat down, he said: "Pingshen."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The kneeling princes, nobles, civil and military officials stood up and sat down.

The envoys from various countries raised their hands and said with neither humility nor condescension: "I have met Emperor Xiyun and King Xiyun."

Su Chengyu showed his majesty as an emperor, "Thank you for your hard work coming all the way here, please have a seat."

The envoys from various countries bowed their hands to Su Chengyu and Xiao Changyi before taking their seats.

Among the envoys was Dongfang Tianyang.

Dongfang Tianyang is now the crown prince of Dongqing Kingdom, and he is here on behalf of Dongqing Kingdom.

He came to Dongqing Country for two purposes, one on the surface and one secretly in his mind.

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