Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1592 Harmony

Dongfang Tianyang's heart skipped a beat when An Jing took the initiative to talk to him, and he was filled with joy, but he didn't show it on his face. He was just polite without losing his identity as the Prince of Dongqing and said: "Father Tianyang attaches great importance to Xiyun." With the relationship with Dongqing, it’s natural that he won’t send anyone here randomly.”

Sending the country's prince as an envoy shows the country's sincerity.

Because Dongfang Tianyang hid it so well, no one discovered Dongfang Tianyang's quiet thoughts.

Naturally, Jing Jing didn't notice it herself. She just smiled and said, "Dong Qing has always been on good terms with Xi Yun. I hope the two countries will continue to be friendly."

Su Chengyu picked up the wine cup and said to the envoys: "People do not deceive Xiyun, and Xiyun does not deceive others. I hope Xiyun and other countries can always be friendly and live in harmony."

The civil and military officials, princes and nobles in Xiyun who were present also picked up the wine cups.

Xiao Changyi also picked up the wine cup.

Although Jing Jing picked up the wine cup, her cup was filled with water instead of wine.

Including Dongfang Tianyang, all the envoys immediately picked up their respective wine cups and said: "Live in harmony."

Regardless of whether the words of the envoys from each country are true or false, and regardless of whether the envoys from each country have their own agendas, on the surface, everyone seems to hope that all countries can live in harmony.

After they stopped talking, everyone drank the wine from their respective wine cups firmly and happily to show their determination to live in harmony.

The celebration ceremony was over, and the next day, the envoys left the imperial capital one after another and returned to their respective countries.

Dongfang Tianyang wanted to see Anjing again before leaving, but this was too obvious and could easily expose his thoughts, so he did not take the risk and returned to the country.

After staying in the palace for half a month, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi returned to the Xiyun Prince's Mansion, and the four children happened to have a day off and did not have to go to school.

When we returned to Xiyun Palace, it was already noon, just in time for lunch.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Anhui didn't have much of an appetite, but he still ate some for the sake of the three babies in his belly.

As she was eating, her eyes lit up and she looked at Xiao Changyi with a smile: "Mr. sir, I want to eat the meat pancakes you made. The meat in it is beef. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay." Xiao Changyi got up and wanted to go to the kitchen to make pancakes and rolls for An Jing.

Jing Jing held him back, "We'll do it in the evening. Just have these for lunch. While you're doing it, I'll stand aside and watch."

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi then sat back down. And peeled another egg for An Jing.

Jing Jing stopped eating anything else and only ate the egg that Xiao Changyi peeled for her.

Xiao Changyi saw that Anjing had eaten a lot, so he didn't persuade Anjing to eat more. Eat small meals often, and after an hour, the cook in the house will prepare some food for his wife. He is not afraid that his wife will be hungry.

The naughty ghost An Yiqing took the opportunity to demand: "Dad, I want to chew big bones, big bones of cows. You can make them for me tonight."

When the other three children heard what An Yiqing said, their eyes were bright. It was obvious that they also wanted to eat the big bones made by Xiao Changyi.

They all had to go into the kitchen anyway, so Xiao Changyi agreed to make beef bones for the children.

When the sun went down, Xiao Changyi went into the kitchen to get busy, and Anjing followed him into the kitchen. However, Xiao Changyi didn't let Anjing do anything, so Anjing just stood aside and watched with a smile as her husband-in-law gave her Make something to eat with the kids.

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