Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1695 You are nothing!

Dongfang Tianyang not only slapped Jing Jing, but also shouted angrily at Jing Jing with red eyes: "I will definitely cut Su Changyi into pieces and avenge my imperial brother!"

Dongfang Tianyang had never taken the initiative to hit her before. Jing Jing didn't expect it at all. She was stunned for a moment. Then, she realized something was wrong and ignored the pain on her face. Her eyes lit up and she asked urgently: "You haven't killed me yet." Mr. Right?"

Jing Jing's happy expression was extremely dazzling in Dongfang Tianyang's eyes, and made Dongfang Tianyang even more angry.

Dongfang Tianyang gritted his teeth and said: "He is not dead yet, but if he killed my brother, I will definitely kill him!"

When Jing Jing heard Dongfang Tianyang's words, she knew that the 100,000 troops had really not killed her husband, and she was even more happy.

Dongfang Tianyang felt even more dazzled and resentful: "My imperial brother is dead, and you are still so happy? Do you believe that I will kill you now?!"

He was happy with her, but compared with his Third Emperor brother, compared with his empire, she was nothing worth mentioning.

Jing Jing was not threatened at all, and even smiled: "Of course I am happy that my husband is still alive. And Dongfang Tianchong deserves to die. Who asked him to lead the troops to kill my husband?"

If her husband-in-law didn't kill Dongfang Tianchong, Dongfang Tianchong would definitely kill her husband-in-law.

"You!" Dongfang Tianyang was extremely angry. He grabbed An Jing's hair and pulled it back and down, forcing An Jing to raise his head in an instant.

Jing Jing's scalp felt as if it had been lifted, and she grinned in pain, but then she smiled happily and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Dongfang Tianyang, you can't kill my husband, so you can only You are so capable of venting your anger on me here, haha. You also said that you like me, but you are treating me like this now. Haha, you really like me so much. I have never seen anyone like me as much as you do. "

While laughing, every word was ridiculed.

Dongfang Tianyang's face turned livid: "I am happy with you, but compared with my imperial brother, you are nothing!"

"Then you kill me. Didn't you just say you wanted to kill me?"

Dongfang Tianyang smiled, and smiled ferociously: "No, I won't kill you, I will use you to threaten Su Changyi, I will make him kneel and kowtow to me, I will make him suffer all humiliation, and I will kill him again Shattered into pieces."

"You are despicable!"

Dongfang Tianyang ignored Quiet's scolding and ordered the guards: "Tie her feet and hands with iron chains, and tie her in this room. She will not be allowed to leave the room again in the future."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The guards immediately obeyed.

"Dongfang Tianyang, you will not die well." This was the first time An Jing cursed a person like this.

"No, I will die well, but your husband-in-law will die." Dongfang Tianyang was still smiling ferociously, "If I still can't catch your husband-in-law, I will hang you at the gate of the palace. If he doesn't show up for a day, I will If someone takes off one piece of your clothes and lets people watch, if you don't show up for two days, take off two pieces of clothing, and if you don't show up for three days, then take off three pieces of clothing, I want to see if he can really bear it and never show up."


Before An Jing's words could be cursed, Dongfang Tianyang interrupted An Jing's words and continued: "Also, don't think that your husband-in-law is very powerful. Your husband-in-law is also thanks to the help of many masked people. Otherwise, my army of one hundred thousand, He has already been destroyed."

masked man

Jing Jing was stunned for a moment, but before he could say anything, Dongfang Tianyang turned around and left.

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