Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1702 These people are definitely Gong Juechen’s people

Xiao Changyi sighed softly, and then said: "At the beginning, I killed Dongfang Tianchong with the intention of death. After all, I only have six people here. It is really difficult for six people to deal with an army of 100,000. But later , suddenly thousands of masked people came from all directions, all with good skills, so I was able to escape. "

"The masked man who brought you to me just now is the leader of those masked men. As for their appearance, they don't want to be exposed, so they keep their faces covered."

"However, these masked men should be the same as the men in black who helped us defeat Chilin. I think some of their tricks are very similar to those of the men in black."

At first, they thought those men in black were Gong Juechen. If they are in a group, doesn't it mean that these people are also Gong Juechen's people?

The power behind Gong Juechen must be too great.

Jing Jing was surprised and a little disbelieving: "It's Gong Juechen again? No way."

Xiao Changyi said: "I went to Nanchi to look for you before. My whereabouts were uncertain, but Gong Juechen was able to immediately entrust someone to come over and find me in Nanchi Imperial City and tell me that there was a man from Dongqing staying at Fushou Inn. Yes, and he also told me that there is a rumor here in Dongqing Imperial City that there is an unknown concubine in the palace, and he asked me to check whether it is you. "

An Jing was even more shocked.

Xiao Changyi continued: "When I came to Dongqing Imperial City and before I went to the palace to confirm whether the concubine of unknown origin was you, Gong Juechen entrusted another person to tell me that the concubine was you. Return it to me. After learning the detailed layout of Dongqing Palace, I realized that you were trapped in Jingxin Garden."

"However, he also reminded me that the Dongqing Palace is heavily guarded, so I should not act rashly until I have a complete plan."

"I wanted to rescue you safely, so I didn't rush into the palace to see you immediately. Who would have thought that Dongfang Tianyang actually learned that I had come to Dongqing Imperial City and sent an army to encircle and suppress me."

"As for what happened next, I told you just now. Anyway, I don't believe that Gong Juechen entrusted these people with money. These people are definitely Gong Juechen's people."

These people were really dedicated to his and his wife's affairs, and they were so thoughtful that he had to suspect that these people were from Gong Juechen and were not entrusted by Gong Juechen at all.

If you just took money and were entrusted, it wouldn't be like this.

Hearing this, Jing Jing nodded: "Listening to what you said, I also think these masked people should be Gong Juechen's people. However, sir, is Gong Juechen too powerful?"

He actually knows both Nan Chi and Dong Qing very well.

"Moreover," Jing Jing continued, "there are strange people and strangers under him. For example, I was taken out of the Dongqing Palace by a man who could disguise himself. Not to mention, the man in disguise was really like Dongfang Tian. Yang, his voice and manner are also similar. If he doesn't expose it himself, no one will know that he is fake. If he can disguise himself as a monarch from another country, kill that monarch and replace him."

Having said this, Jing Jing stopped talking. She now only has the feeling that 'if Gong Juechen wants this world, it will be really easy'.

Xiao Changyi also felt this way, and he also understood what Jing Jing meant. After a long silence, he sighed again: "He exposed so much for us. Now I don't want anything else. I just hope Chengyu's heart can Be firm and don’t change anything.”

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