Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1717 This looks like him

"Where are you going to ride horses?" An Jing asked.

An Yiqing immediately smiled mischievously: "Originally, my elder brother and I were planning to ride horses around, but now that mother, father, stepfather and stepmother are back, we naturally won't go."

Seeing her third son like this, in fact, his personality has not changed at all, An Jing couldn't help but smile: "Then let's go back. I miss your other three brothers too."

Su Yixing followed An Jing and the others to the Xiyun Palace and said: "Mother, Qi'er, Lin'er and Zhi'er can walk now and can speak a little. They are good-looking, but they are too naughty like the third brother. As long as they are awake, they are not at all peaceful."

An Yiyun also said: "I originally thought they were three good babies, but they are not good-looking at all. However, they are really good-looking, much better than sister Lele."

Lele is a nickname, and her real name is Gong Le. She is the daughter of Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen. She is only one year old. Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen hope that their daughter will be happy every day, so they named her Gong Le.

An Jing was a little surprised that her three beautiful babies were so naughty, but she still asked with a smile: "Your three younger brothers are so naughty, so did you help take care of your younger brothers?"

"I helped." Su Yixing replied. "We will help whenever we have time. Although Qi'er, Lin'er and Zhi'er are not well-behaved, they don't cry. They just crawled everywhere when they could crawl before, but now they can walk, they like people to take them everywhere. They don't like to stay in the house at all, and they are very energetic. They are like their eldest brother, who is always energetic."

Speaking of Su Yijing, Su Yijing became more and more calm and introverted. Unless he had to speak, he would be like now, without a word.

An Jing glanced at her eldest son, feeling relieved and sighing. Her son is becoming more and more like her husband. Although he looks like the eldest son, she hopes he can be more lively.

Sometimes, she doesn't even know if he is happy.

Her son is only eight and a half years old.

However, as the children grow up little by little, the personalities of her four sons are becoming more and more prominent.

The eldest son is calm and reserved, and doesn't like to talk; the second son seems to care about nothing except precious things; the third son is particularly outgoing, smiling all day long; the fourth son is gentle and particularly good-tempered.

As for what kind of temperament her other three sons will have in the future, she is very much looking forward to it.

Thinking of this, An Jing asked: "Where are Qi'er, Lin'er, and Zhi'er now?"

She asked Su Yijing this question, and it was obvious that she wanted to talk to her eldest son.

Su Yijing then said: "They can't stay in the house, so Aunt Ye and Uncle Gong took them to the back garden to play."

When An Jing and Xiao Changyi came to the back garden, they saw Gong Juechen lying on the ground with a smile, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, letting the three beautiful babies and his daughter Gong Le crawl on him and play, while Ye Zhi stood aside and watched, and Ye Zhi also had a smile on her face.

The back garden was full of playful sounds, and people didn't want to disturb them.

An Jing and Xiao Changyi saw that Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen treated her three children like this, and they were very happy.

At this moment, they were really grateful to Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen for taking good care of their seven children.

"Big brother, brother-in-law, you are back?!" Ye Zhi accidentally glanced at An Jing and Xiao Changyi standing not far away, and immediately shouted in surprise.

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