Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1721 I'll Keep It for You

An Yiqing took advantage of the situation and complained: "Yes, mom and dad, the second brother is too much. He always gives Qi'er and the others valuable things to play with, and teaches Qi'er and the others to give them all to him in the end. As a result, now, Whenever Qi'er and the others have something in their hands, they will subconsciously give it to their second brother."


Xiao Changyi: ""

Su Yixing said matter-of-factly: "It's better to give it to me than to an outsider!"

An Yiqing retorted, "I think it's better to give it to my eldest brother than to you!"

Su Yixing immediately smiled proudly, "Brother would never ask for something from someone like me."

An Yiqing said angrily: "Yes, it's just your fault, I'm not as thick-skinned as you."

Su Yixing said: "In terms of face, your face is much thicker than mine. Others know their mistakes and correct them. If you know your mistakes and continue to make them, you deserve to be punished by your elder brother."

An Yiqing was extremely angry and could not take action against Su Yixing, his second brother. He could only look at his eldest brother: "Brother, second brother is always looking for things from others. This behavior is wrong. Why do you always punish me?" , just don’t punish him?”

Before Su Yijing could speak, Su Yixing said leisurely: "I just asked for something from others, and they were willing to give it to me. I neither stole nor robbed. What mistake did I make? When I saw something I liked, I didn't fight for it. Come on, just don’t make any mistakes?”

"That's ridiculous!" An Yiqing crossed his arms, turned around and slapped Su Yijing on the back of his head, and stopped arguing with Su Yijing.

Su Yixing thought he had won and was feeling proud. Thanks to his third brother who always talks nonsense with him, he becomes more and more talkative, and ordinary people can't talk about him at all.

"Bring it here." Suddenly, Su Yijing stretched out his hand towards Su Yixing.

"What?" The proud Su Yixing did not react for a moment.

"The key to your little private treasury." Su Yijing didn't mind speaking in a more understandable way.

"Brother!" Su Yixing couldn't believe it, his voice raised an octave, and he held the key hanging around his neck tightly, just not wanting to give it to Su Yijing.

"I'll keep it for you." Su Yijing remained expressionless and his tone was lukewarm.

Su Yixing didn't believe it at all: "Are you sure you won't use the things inside?"

"Not sure." Su Yijing's tone remained emotionless.

Su Yixing: ""

In the end, Su Yixing gave in. He took off the key hanging from his neck and handed it to his eldest brother, Su Yijing, as if he was tearing out his flesh.

"You deserve it!" An Yi rejoiced in the misfortune.

An Yiyun watched the whole show. He was used to his second brother and third brother always quarreling. Anyway, his eldest brother can cure it, so he is happy and relaxed, and he doesn't need to take care of anything.

Seeing that Su Yijing, the eldest son, could control her other six sons, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were particularly happy.

Even though the children are always noisy, a tacit understanding has been formed in their family, relying on age suppression to win.

Just like An Yiqing would never take action against Su Yixing, his second brother, no matter how dissatisfied he was.

Since suppression is based on age, among the seven children, Su Yijing, the eldest brother, is naturally the eldest.

"Hug daddy, hug me." Suddenly, An Yizhi noticed Xiao Changyi squatting next to him. He blinked his little eyes first, then grinned his little mouth, opened his little arms, and asked Xiao Changyi for a hug.

Seeing that her youngest son wanted to get close to her husband-in-law, Anjing was naturally happy to do so. She let go of her hand and let her youngest son walk towards her husband-in-law from her arms.

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