Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1724 The more normal, the more abnormal it is

Xiao Changyi glanced at Su Chengyu, but didn't say anything.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "I'm not worried that he will go crazy. I'm just worried that if he loses weight again, look at what he looks like now. He's not healthy at all."

Su Chengyu agreed: "Brother Yi has lost a lot of weight in the past six months or so. Now that my sister-in-law is back, I have to keep an eye on Brother Yi and let him make up for himself. He has become so thin. As a younger brother, I am actually I feel uncomfortable watching it.”

Jing Jing said: "I want him to take a good supplement, but his appetite is very small now, and I don't know what's going on. I'll call Gong Juechen later and let him take a good look at it."

Su Chengyu even agreed: "It doesn't matter if you take a look, it will save you from getting some kind of disease, which will not be good."

Jing Jing said: "I think so too."

Xiao Changyi still didn't speak.

"Brother Yi and sister-in-law, you should have a good rest. You must be very tired after coming all the way back. I just came to see you for peace of mind. Now that I feel at ease, I will go back." Su Chengyu was very special Leave wisely.

After Su Chengyu was gone, Jingjing said to Xiao Changyi: "Looks like he's quite normal. Just now I mentioned Gong Juechen, and he's still quite normal. Sir, just relax, he will do what he says. "

Xiao Changyi glanced at the direction Su Chengyu left, and then said: "The more normal he is, the more it means he is abnormal."

Jing Jing understood in an instant and nodded: "That's right. Dong Qing was actually beaten down by a masked man. All the people in Dong Qing knew about such a big thing. Qi Tengfei and the others should also write to him to inform him. He didn’t even ask us or even mention it.”

Xiao Changyi was silent for a long time, and then analyzed: "It's not that he is more afraid of Gong Juechen and has separated from us, or that something happened between him and Gong Juechen that we don't know about, which makes him behave like this."

Jing Jing sighed and said: "Let's stop thinking about it. You can go to the palace another day and talk to him properly. I don't like this situation now. I feel like there is intrigue. He is our younger brother. Don't let him go." Being alienated from us will alienate us from him.”

"Yeah." He also felt that it would be better to be straightforward and not think wildly.

"Jing Jing, Chang Yi." Suddenly, Gong Jue Chen's loud voice rang out. After a while, Jing Jing and Xiao Chang Yi saw Gong Jue Chen running in with a playful smile in a dark red robe with wide sleeves.

Su Chengyu had just left when Gong Juechen came.

Jingjing didn't say anything about Su Chengyu's recent arrival, but said hurriedly: "Please lower your voice, Qi'er and the others are sleeping."

Gong Juechen lowered his voice, but still smiled playfully: "They are finally tired of playing. They sleep much less time than my Lele. My Lele always wants to sleep as soon as no one talks to her. No, She is sleeping soundly in my room now, but she is still holding Zhizhi's sleeves with her little hands when she is asleep, so that Zhizhi cannot come over. Zhizhi is afraid that you will wait for her, so she asked me to come over and tell you, "Zhengle" When Le Sleep wakes up, she will bring Le Le over to talk to you. "

"I know, let her take care of Lele first. By the way, you came just in time to help me take a look at my husband. You see he is so thin that he is no longer human. I am a little worried about whether there is something wrong with his health. "

Gong Juechen also felt that Xiao Changyi was a bit too thin, so he walked to Xiao Changyi's side and asked, "Have you not let other doctors see it?"

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