Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1726 Refusing to admit it

As soon as Gong Juechen finished prescribing the medicine, he was about to leave, but Xiao Changyi spoke again at this time: "How long do you plan to play dumb? Do you really think we are blind people with open eyes?" Gong Juechen did not even turn his head, and said: "I don't know what you are talking about" "Thank you." Xiao Changyi suddenly said two words, neither cold nor hot. But it made Gong Juechen's footsteps pause instantly. Then, Gong Juechen still did not turn his head, and continued to walk with a playful smile. But while walking towards the courtyard where he lived, he smiled bitterly in his heart: 'Do you think I don't want to confess? The problem is the consequences of confession. Have you thought about me? ' Seeing Gong Juechen's figure disappear from sight, An Jing sighed: "He refuses to admit it like this, and we can't do anything." Xiao Changyi was silent for a while, and then said: "Let's find a time to talk to him. Now we have just returned, and we should spend a few days with the children first." "Yeah." An Jing had no objection. The two returned to the room to look at their three beautiful babies, and then Xiao Changyi and Anjing went to wash off their tiredness.

After Xiao Changyi and Anjing finished their bath, they saw that the three beautiful babies had not woken up yet, so they simply lay down next to the three beautiful babies and went to sleep.

While feeding the three beautiful babies, they also ate together. The three beautiful babies were still taking a nap, while they had just started taking a nap.

The three beautiful babies woke up at 2:02 pm. As soon as they woke up, they didn't cry, but crawled to An Jing and Xiao Changyi who were lying next to them. When they saw Xiao Changyi's face clearly, they excitedly shouted to Xiao Changyi: "Brother, brother"

When Xiao Changyi opened his eyes, he saw the three beautiful babies calling him brother very happily. He immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still corrected them softly: "I am daddy, not brother, come, call daddy."

The three beautiful babies were quite obedient this time. As soon as Xiao Changyi asked them to call daddy, they followed and shouted: "Daddy, daddy"

An Jing was also woken up. When she heard her fifth son, sixth son, and seventh son call her husband brother again, she didn't feel funny or cry now, but just thought her three sons were so cute.

However, it also proved from the side that her three sons still liked her eldest son very much.

And her eldest son looks a lot like her husband.

Thinking of this, An Jing joked, "Husband, you've got a great advantage. They won't call me sister."

Xiao Changyi just curled his lips and didn't say anything.

But the three beautiful babies were not quiet. Their little hands were either pulling An Jing or Xiao Changyi, looking out with bright eyes, showing that they didn't want to stay in the room and wanted to go outside.

An Jing laughed immediately, stood up and said, "Xing'er is right. They just can't stay in the room. Look, they just woke up and want us to take them out. But they are not afraid of strangers, which is a good thing for us."

If they were afraid of strangers, they wouldn't be able to hold their three sons today, and it might not be possible for them to call them daddy and mother.

Xiao Changyi had already sat up. When he heard An Jing's words, he nodded: "Yeah." Although it was not very cold in the house, it was already winter and it was very cold outside. Xiao Changyi and An Jing were afraid that the three beautiful babies would get cold outside, so they dressed the three beautiful babies in a lot of clothes and put hats on them to keep them warm.

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