Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1728 You may not be able to touch them at all

Su Chengyu shook his head and smiled: "Brother Yi is just worried about me and Chenglin. He is not a villain."

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Su Chengyu continued to smile and said: "Brother Yi probably doesn't know yet. The reason why I knew that Brother Yi was in Dongqing Imperial City and even sent Liu Buli to lead troops to Dongqing was because Chenglin had come to find me. He asked I went to take over Dongqing. It was to take over, not to capture. Later Liu Bu left, it was really just to take over, because all the troops in Dongqing were destroyed by the masked men, and he was so obviously exposed. How could I not know that? The masked man is his."

Xiao Changyi nodded with sudden realization. It turned out that Gong Juechen had been looking for him, no wonder.

"This Dongqing, hahaha." Su Chengyu chuckled suddenly, and his gentle face became even gentler, "Actually, he gave it to me. I know it."

Xiao Changyi remained silent.

Su Chengyu continued: "I can feel that if he can give me the dongqing, he can take it back; I even feel that as long as he wants the world, the world can be in his hands. But he He just gave me the Dongqing. Even though he is powerful, he has no desire to take over the world. If he had, he would not have given me the Dongqing, let alone saved me again and again. "

Xiao Changyi nodded with satisfaction: "As long as you can figure it out."

Su Chengyu smiled and then continued: "I don't know why he has such great power, but I really feel this way. I have thought about it a lot these days, Brother Yi, I really don't care anymore. Be afraid of him. Don't worry about him and me in the future. I just hope that he and I are well. But, Brother Yi, to be honest, I'm really curious about what other identity he has and how he has such a good identity. Big force."

Xiao Changyi was silent for a moment and then said: "I know."

Su Chengyu's eyes lit up: "Brother Yi knows his identity?"

Xiao Changyi nodded, "An identity I don't want to accept at all." After a pause, "Neither do you."

Hearing this, a thought emerged in Su Chengyu's mind: "Could it be?"

Those masked men are so powerful, each one can fight one against a thousand. In my impression, it seems that only the legendary ones

But, is it possible?

"Slaying Heaven" Su Chengyu really didn't want to say these two words, but in the end, he said it anyway.

Xiao Changyi nodded expressionlessly.

Su Chengyu fell silent for a moment.

After a long while, he said seriously: "Brother Yi, you also know that Shou Tianlou will do anything for money. We can't say that he has done all the bad things, but he has really done a lot of bad things, and everyone will punish them. I I am no exception, but if Chenglin is from the Slayer Tower, I have promised that I will not touch Chenglin. But for the other people in the Slayer Tower, as the king of a country, I have to take action. After all, Shou Tianlou has killed many people in Xiyun, including many good people."

Xiao Changyi said bluntly: "Even if you take action, you may not be able to touch them at all."

Su Chengyu fell silent again for an instant. Just because his brother Yi was right. He didn't even know where the Slaughter Sky Tower's hideout was, and the people in the Slaughter Sky Tower were so elusive that even if he took action, it would be of no use.

Xiao Changyi was silent for a while, and then continued: "Instead of wasting a lot of manpower and material resources to kill the Slayer Tower, it is better to persuade Chenglin and let him lead the Slayer Tower to abandon evil and do good."

The reason why he suggested this was, firstly, for the sake of Gong Juechen, who did not want Gong Juechen, the master of the Slaughter of Heaven Tower, to be caught between two sides; secondly, even if he wasted a lot of manpower and material resources, he might not be able to kill the Slayer of Heaven.

The capabilities of the Slayer Tower are simply too great.

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