Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1731 There is something that needs to be investigated

Jing Jing glanced at the cup and saw that there was really a lot of soup left, so he said, "Then I'll have a bowl."

"Yeah." After a pause, Xiao Changyi asked: "Where are Jing'er and the others? Why haven't they seen them?"

"Jing'er went to Meng Zhuqing's courtyard to practice martial arts. Since Jing'er confiscated the key to Xing'er's private vault, Xing'er has been following Jing'er all day long, hoping that Jing'er will return the key to him. Now Jing'er has gone to Meng Zhuqing's place. He Naturally, he followed. As for Qing'er, he went to the General's Mansion to play with Sibo, while Yun'er was reading in the study. "

Xiao Changyi originally planned to ask Jingxing Qingyun to help him drink some, but now it seems that he can only drink it by himself.

However, Xiao Changyi just fed the three beautiful babies and drank half the bowl himself.

Jing Jing was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable if he drank too much, so she didn't force him to drink more.

The three beautiful babies were still too young. He was afraid that they would have diarrhea after drinking too much chicken soup. Xiao Changyi did not dare to give the three beautiful babies so much chicken soup. He only fed the three beautiful babies a few sips of chicken soup and let them go. The maid drank the chicken soup.

When the three beautiful babies saw that there was no more soup to drink, they were about to cry. In the end, they calmly coaxed: "Mom, can I take you out to play?"

As soon as they heard that they were going out to play, the eyes of the three beautiful babies immediately lit up. They even looked like they were about to cry. They all said happily: "Have fun, have fun."

Seeing that the three beautiful babies really liked being outside, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi looked at each other and smiled before taking the three beautiful babies out of the house and walking in the yard.

Three beautiful babies were staggering in front of them. Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi followed them while talking.

"What did Chengyu say?" Jing Jing asked Xiao Changyi. Her husband-in-law entered the palace today, and she knew the purpose very well.

Xiao Changyi didn't say anything immediately, but asked the maids serving in the courtyard to retreat. He also asked Qin Yi and Qin Er to guard outside the main courtyard and not allow anyone to come in.

When there were no outsiders and it was safe to speak, Xiao Changyi calmly told Jing Jingzhi exactly what he and Su Chengyu had said.

After listening to An Jing's words, he breathed a sigh of relief: "What we were most worried about was that he was jealous of Gong Juechen. Now that it's better, we really don't have to worry." After a pause, "If the adoptive mother is not Gong Juechen's mother-in-law, He and Gong Juechen must be good brothers."

Xiao Changyi nodded. He thinks so too. Gong Juechen may seem cynical and dishonest, but he is actually very affectionate and righteous. Not to mention Su Chengyu. If Su Chengyu didn't value love and righteousness, he would definitely be feared to death, not to mention that he couldn't be a side by side king.

You know, throughout history, those who have achieved great success have never had a good ending.

"We are all seventeen today," Jing Jing added, "There are only ten days until the New Year's Eve. I think we should wait until the end of the new year to persuade Gong Juechen to abandon evil and do good. De Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi can't celebrate the New Year well. As you know, Ye Zhi has always hated evil and can be extremely impulsive sometimes. I'm afraid that when she finds out, she won't be in the mood to celebrate the New Year at all, and she might do something to make everyone I can’t celebrate the New Year well.”

"Yeah." Xiao Changyi also thought it would be better to wait until the new year is over.

After a pause, Xiao Changyi said again: "However, there is something that I have to ask Meng Zhuqing to check."

"What's going on?"

Xiao Changyi lowered his voice and said in An Jing's ear: "Didn't he always go to Nuanhuan Pavilion before?"

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