Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1733 Active confession? Passive disclosure?

Immediately, An Yiqi looked up at her white, tender, delicate and pretty little face, and shouted to An Jing very happily: "Mother, mother, mother!"

Jing Jing immediately lowered her head and rubbed her fifth son's face with her face, which made An Yiqi giggle immediately.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Mom has to ask someone to make you a set of clothes for New Year's Eve. No, I should say dad, mom, your four brothers, and the three of you, a total of nine sets of clothes. It's just that the sizes are different. Mother has already decided to make them all red. Do you think it's okay?" Jing Jing bent down and asked her three little beauties.

The three little beauties didn't understand, but they all smiled at An Jing.

Jing Jing also had a smile on her face: "You are so good-looking, you will definitely look even better in red."

The three beautiful babies still didn't understand, and they all grinned at Anjing for a while, then they took Anjing and Xiao Changyi with their little hands, hoping that Anjing and Xiao Changyi would take them to play outside the yard.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi saw that the three beautiful babies didn't feel cold at all and were still warm all over. Then they took the three beautiful babies out of the main courtyard and walked outside the main courtyard and elsewhere in Xiyun Prince's Mansion.

Seeing a wider world than the main courtyard, the three beautiful babies were even happier. They each staggered towards the things they were curious about, not caring about An Jing and Xiao Changyi at all.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi followed behind, because the children were cute and happy. At this moment, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi were still in a good mood.

As for persuading Gong Juechen to abandon evil and do good, since he had already agreed to wait until after the New Year before talking about it, it was natural that he should wait until after the New Year before talking about it.

This year has been very lively.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi also held a lantern party in the Xiyun Palace.

Originally, An Jing and Xiao Changyi planned to take their seven children to watch the lanterns on the street. However, considering that the three beauties were still too young, they would not be very safe even if they were protected. Therefore, An Jing and Xiao Changyi decided to hang up all the lanterns in the house. Let her seven children watch the lanterns.

Xiyun Palace is super big. The lanterns all over the palace are like stars in the sky. It is as beautiful as a dream. Especially the three beauties love it so much. They staggered around under the lanterns all night until the next day. It was dawn and they were sleepy.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi stayed with the three beautiful babies all night. They didn't sleep until the three beautiful babies fell asleep.

After resting well, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi planned to put on the agenda to persuade Gong Juechen to abandon evil and do good. Therefore, on the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi approached Gong Juechen.

Instead of going to Gong Juechen directly, someone asked Gong Juechen to come over, on the pretext that Gong Juechen would come and take Xiao Changyi's pulse to see if Xiao Changyi was still weak.

The reason for this is that they wanted to talk to Gong Juechen alone first. If they really couldn't persuade Gong Juechen, they would then find Ye Zhi to persuade Gong Juechen.

Furthermore, they hoped that Gong Juechen would take the initiative to confess everything to Ye Zhi instead of them telling Ye Zhi.

It's not the same thing as telling others. They still very much hope that Ye Zhi and Gong Juechen will be harmonious and happy.

As soon as Gong Juechen arrived, he took Xiao Changyi's pulse. After taking the pulse, Gong Juechen said with a playful smile: "After more than a month of nursing, your body has improved. Please continue to take good care of yourself."

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