Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1757 Don’t be in a hurry to thank me, I have conditions

After a pause, An Yiyun continued: "If my father and mother don't agree, it would be really unfair to the eldest brother. My father and mother agreed that the second brother would go to his hometown to study medicine with Uncle Juechen, and they also agreed that I would be allowed to take the imperial examination. this road."

Su Chengyu couldn't make the decision, so he just looked at Xiao Changyi: "Brother Yi, look at this"

Xiao Changyi looked deeply at his eldest son, and after a long while, he said without any emotion: "Get up, we promise you."

"Msang-in-law!" Jing Jing couldn't believe that her husband-in-law actually agreed.

Xiao Changyi gave her a calm look.

Jing Jing said nothing more.

"Thank you, dad, thank you, mom!" Su Yijing stood up, with a rare smile on his face.

"Don't thank me in a hurry, I have conditions." Xiao Changyi picked up the tea next to him and took a slow sip.

Su Yijing was stunned for a moment, and then asked urgently: "What are your conditions, daddy?"

"You can join the army in two years. In these two years, you have to follow me. I will teach you something personally." After a pause, Xiao Changyi added, "Things that can be used in the military camp."

Su Yijing originally thought that his father deliberately delayed him for two years just to let him enter the military camp later, but when he heard that it was something that could be used in the military camp, he immediately responded: "Then the son will enter in two years." Military camp!”

Jing Jing breathed a sigh of relief immediately. Or her husband-in-law has a way. To be honest, she was really worried that her son would enter the military camp like this.

Su Chengyu smiled and said: "With Brother Yi personally teaching me, I believe Jing'er will become a great talent in the future."

Immediately, Su Chengyu looked at An Yiqing: "Qing'er, your eldest brother is going to the military camp, your second brother is going to study medicine, and your fourth brother is going to take the imperial examination. What about you? Haven't you thought about what you want to do?"

An Yiqing smiled playfully: "Does eating, drinking and having fun count? I just want to eat, drink and have fun."

"Hahaha" Su Chengyu was amused and laughed loudly.

Jing Jing also laughed amusedly.

Xiao Changyi's lips curled up slightly.

"By the way, Brother Yi," Su Chengyu suddenly remembered something and quickly stopped laughing, "The Imperial Palace and the Royal Palace are almost completed. It is estimated that in another month or two, we should be able to start moving. It’s over.”

In the beginning, Jing Jing fell into the trap of Dongfang Tianyang's people on the day Xiao Changyi entered the palace to discuss the matter of moving the capital, and was kidnapped.

Although An Jing was kidnapped, the matter of moving the capital was still going on.

However, because Xiao Changyi was out of the capital looking for peace at that time, the matter of moving the capital no longer bothered Xiao Changyi. Instead, the emperor Su Chengyu discussed it with some ministers and decided that it was okay, so he settled on it.

The capital city they live in is still called Dijing, and the name will not be changed.

But the capital they will live in in the future was originally a city in Chilin. This city was originally called Bahe City, and Xiyun now also owns the original territories of Chilin, Dongqing, and Beihe, plus Xiyun's original Within the territory, Bahe City happened to be in the middle, so Bahe City was chosen as the new capital.

When Bahe City started building the palace and princes in the second half of last year, it had already been renamed the Imperial Capital.

As for the Xiyun Palace, it also has a more formal name, called the Palace. On par with the Royal Palace.

Jing Jing also knew that it was inevitable to move the capital. Now the Imperial Capital was too remote in the Xiyun territory. Therefore, when Su Chengyu said this, she smiled and said, "When everything is settled, you can tell us. We will just move there with you. "... Friends who are reading, you can search for "" and you will find this site as soon as possible.

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