Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1767 She must have stimulated her

Qin Yi was asked to take the three beauties to the school grounds to find Xiao Changyi, while An Jing and Tuoba Yao went to the Hou Mansion with Qi Weimeng.

Qi Tengfei, the Marquis, was not at home, but went to the military camp. Mrs. Qi was the eldest in the Hou family. As soon as Mrs. Qi learned that Anjing was coming, even if she was sick, she was helped and knelt down to greet her.

Jing Jing quickly helped Mrs. Qi up. After saying a few words, Jing Jing asked the maids of the Hou Mansion to help Mrs. Qi back to her room.

Then, An Jing and Tuoba Yao were taken by Qi Weimeng to find Shi Shi.

Qi Weimeng and Shi Shi are now in a quarrel. Although they live in the same courtyard, they sleep in separate rooms. Qi Weimeng lives in the study and Shi Shi lives in the bedroom.

Shi Shi was playing the piano in the room. She originally had bright eyes and white teeth, but now she found that the music was pleasant, her posture was graceful, and she was even more charming.

As soon as Jing Jing entered, he smiled heartily and said, "Shi Shi, I didn't know that you could also play the piano."

When Shi Shi saw An Jing, he quickly stood up and saluted An Jing. Seeing Qi Weimeng behind An Anjing, she knew why An Anjing was here.

Jing Jing pulled Shi Shi to sit aside, and Tuoba Yao also sat down. Qi Weimeng did not sit down, but stood at the door, looking at Shi Shi with a particularly complicated look.

Shi Shi but not as powerful as him.

After the maid brought tea and retreated, Anjing said: "You must also know the reason for my coming. General Qi treats you sincerely and specially asked me to help persuade you. He really wants to live a good life with you, but Now, because you are not willing to give him a child and the family is at odds, he also proposed a method, saying that even if you don't like children, then when the child is born, you can take care of his parents. Don't you agree? ? Ke Shishi, do you really want him to divorce you? "

How could she possibly want Qi Weimeng to divorce her? The problem was that she came to Qi's house to work as an undercover agent. She was not here to give birth to a child. How could she give birth to a child for Qi Weimeng.

Therefore, she would secretly abort the child every time she found out she was pregnant, but she did not expect that the first and second abortions went smoothly, but the third time, just a month ago, she secretly aborted the child. The third child she and Qi Weimeng gave birth to was discovered by Qi Weimeng.

Qi Weimeng was very angry at that time.

She knew she was sorry for Qi Weimeng, but she couldn't give birth to a child for Qi Weimeng, so she said she didn't want to have children because she didn't like them.

Even though he was very bitter in his heart, Shi Shi didn't show anything on his face, but showed a special calmness.

I saw that Shi Shi still said the same thing: "I don't like children, I don't want to have children, not even one."

Before Jing Jing said anything, Tuoba Yao became excited and her voice was louder than ever: "Shi Shi, you should know that I will never be able to give birth to a child for my husband in this life. Do you know how much I have now?" Do you feel sorry for my husband? You even secretly aborted the child, and you don’t want to have any children?”

As he spoke, Tuoba Yao lost control. Immediately, she held her head, her eyes were red, and she said with guilt and pain: "Shi Shi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't blame you, this is your choice, and as a friend, I should respect it, but in my heart It’s really uncomfortable. I can’t control myself when I think that I can’t have a baby but you don’t want to have a baby.”

Seeing Tuoba Yao like this, Jing Jing felt very uncomfortable. She knew that Shi Shi's matter must have irritated Tuoba Yao.

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