Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1781 I'm Angry, But I Don't Want to Argue with You

Gong Juechen let Ye Zhi grab the letter and read it. He looked at Ye Zhi with a smile, thinking that Ye Zhi was really cute like this.

As soon as Ye Zhi read the letter, he hurriedly urged: "What are you still doing sitting here? Go to the imperial capital quickly!"

"Why do you want to go to the Imperial Capital?" Gong Juechen smiled playfully, knowingly asking.

"Go and see if you can save Yaoyao's child. Aren't you a skilled doctor? Maybe you can save it if you go. Go quickly. If it's too late, the child may be gone before you arrive!" Ye Zhi said again! He urged Gong Juechen to go to the imperial capital quickly.

But Gong Juechen was still sitting there leisurely, with no intention of going to the imperial capital.

Seeing Gong Juechen like this, Ye Zhi couldn't help but feel a little angry: "Gong Juechen, what are you doing? Don't tell me, you don't want to go to the Imperial Capital to show Yaoyao."

Gong Juechen really admitted, "I didn't want to go. She was severely injured in the abdomen. I treated her at that time. The possibility of her being pregnant is very small. Now that she is pregnant, who can give birth to the child?" The possibility is very small, and it won’t be of much use if I go.”

"You haven't even seen it yet. How do you know that it won't be of much use if you go? Besides, a person's health can be adjusted. Maybe her current physical condition can save the child as long as you go! Human life is at stake, it’s a small life, you’d better go quickly! Besides, you owe her so much, what’s wrong with you?” Ye Zhi was really angry.

Gong Juechen was also angry, and his face darkened: "Zhizhi, I don't want to quarrel with you, but I promised you that I won't lie to you again, so I won't laugh with you now and pretend that I am happy."

"What do you mean by this?" Ye Zhi didn't react for a while.

"I am angry."

"I can see it." Ye Zhi was truly speechless. "But why are you angry? Did I say something wrong?"

"If you didn't say anything wrong, would I be angry?" Gong Juechen sighed helplessly, pulling Ye Zhi to sit next to him, and then he continued: "You said I owe Tuoba Yao, but do you know , I have saved Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing so many times, even if I owe her, I have already paid it off. "

Ye Zhi was stunned. She seemed to have really ignored the fact that he had saved Tuoba Yao and Meng Zhuqing many times.

Gong Juechen sighed again, and then said: "The possibility of her being pregnant with a child is very low because of severe abdominal injuries, but it's not my fault? It was Mrs. Meng's horse that was frightened. In order to save Mrs. Meng, she was killed by the horse. She was trampled. You can’t always think that I owe her because of this.”

"Yes, I admit that I was cynical and damaged her reputation at the beginning, and also added a lot of obstacles between him and Meng Zhuqing, but I wasn't the one who frightened the horse. Why do you all blame this on me?" It seemed like I was making it difficult for her to have a baby."

"I have saved her and Meng Zhuqing so many times, but you all turn a blind eye. This is unfair to me."

"Of course, I don't want any fairness. There is no fairness here. I always do things based on my own preferences."

"It's just that I don't care what other people think, but you, you are my wife and the one I love deeply. I don't want you to always think that I owe another woman and want me to make up for her in every way."

It wasn't until Gong Juechen finished speaking that Ye Zhi said seriously: "Okay, it's my mistake. I'll reflect on it and I won't think so anymore, okay?"

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