Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1785 Worthless?

Seeing Tuoba Yao insisting like this, Meng Zhuqing felt so uncomfortable and distressed. He felt sorry for her.

"Husband, can you please let me give birth to the baby? Please let me give birth to the baby." Suddenly, Tuoba Yao begged Meng Zhuqing.

She actually begged once before, and this was the second time.

Meng Zhuqing could see that his wife wanted to give birth to the baby.

Originally, as a mother, it was understandable to want to give birth to her own child; plus she had always wanted to give him a child, so he could understand her being like this now. And because of this understanding, he felt even more sorry for her.

But he also knew that she would not change her mind no matter what he said.

So, Meng Zhuqing suppressed the pain in her heart and nodded, saying, "Well, I promise you."

Tuoba Yao immediately turned from sadness to joy and smiled, "Really?"

"Well, really." After a pause, "I have already promised you, don't be too excited, take good care of the baby, come, lie down."

"Well." Tuoba Yao was obediently supported by Meng Zhuqing to lie on the bed again.

Seeing that Tuoba Yao still had tears in her eyes, Meng Zhuqing wiped them with a handkerchief. After wiping Tuoba Yao's tears, he held Tuoba Yao's hand. Tuoba Yao smiled at him with peace of mind, and he also smiled at Tuoba Yao.

Although he was smiling on his face, he had already decided in his heart to secretly abort the child.

On the other side, as soon as Gong Juechen wrote a prescription, he asked someone to get the medicine and boil it, and boiled three bowls of water into one bowl.

When the medicine was boiled and delivered, An Jing took the medicine and went into the inner room where Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao lived with Gong Juechen.

The inner room was very quiet.

As soon as she saw Gong Juechen coming in, Tuoba Yao said happily: "Please help me protect my pregnancy in the future. My husband promised me that he would not abort the child."

How long did they have to think about it? He gave them a day to think about it. However, Gong Juechen did not say anything about this time. He just glanced at Meng Zhuqing indifferently before smiling at Tuoba Yao: "I heard it all outside just now."

To be honest, although he had no feelings for Tuoba Yao, he had to admit that Tuoba Yao was really good-looking. Even if she was very weak now, she was still a sick beauty.

Tuoba Yao hesitated for a moment, but still thanked Gong Juechen: "Thank you."

"If you want to thank someone, thank my Zhizhi. If she hadn't asked me to come, I wouldn't have come." Gong Juechen told the truth.

Although Tuoba Yao was good-looking, and he also liked to look at good-looking people, but now he had his Zhizhi, and he loved his Zhizhi very much, so those good-looking women naturally became worthless in his eyes.

Tuoba Yao was stunned for a moment before saying, "Then I'll thank her when I see her one day."

Gong Juechen replied indifferently, "Yeah."

An Jing handed the medicine bowl to Meng Zhuqing and asked Meng Zhuqing to feed it to Tuoba Yao. At the same time, she said, "Take a good rest after drinking the medicine. Gong Juechen just told me that you've been thinking too much these days, which has caused your body to deteriorate so rapidly. You have to get better quickly so that you can take good care of the baby."

"Yeah, yeah." Tuoba Yao smiled and nodded to An Jing, then drank the medicine in one breath. The medicine was bitter, but she was very happy at the moment. This medicine could save her child.

No matter how bitter it was, she drank it.

Probably because she felt at ease, Tuoba Yao felt a little drowsy after drinking the medicine, and then she fell asleep.

Seeing Tuoba Yao fall asleep, An Jing and the others left the inner room.

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