Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1787 She also has a share in the child

"That's up to you. She's not my child in her belly anyway. I don't care whether she lives or dies." Gong Juechen shrugged, saying, "You can figure it out yourself. It has nothing to do with me anyway." expression.

Hearing this, Meng Zhuqing didn't know what to say.

Jing Jing didn't look like he was staying out of it, but said, "Meng Zhuqing, my child Yaoyao is also involved."

Meng Zhuqing pursed her lips for a moment, and after a long while, she said to Gong Juechen: "You give us some more time to think about it, and I will try to persuade her to see if I can persuade her."

"Didn't I give you a day to think about it? It's only been an hour now, and there are still eleven hours left." After a pause, Gong Juechen said again: "If you really want to get rid of it, the sooner, the better. ”

The later it is, the greater the damage to the mother.

Meng Zhuqing knew this, so he nodded and said: "I will persuade her when she wakes up."

Gong Juechen said nothing more and left with Jing Jing.

Meng Zhuqing returned to the inner room and watched over Tuoba Yao, who was sleeping particularly sweetly. In the past few days, Tuoba Yao had not slept peacefully. Now, Tuoba Yao was sleeping so soundly, which made Meng Zhuqing feel relieved and worried.

royal palace.

A royal palace was built in the palace that was comparable to a king's palace, and Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi lived in this royal palace.

At this moment, Xiao Changyi was playing with three beauties in front of the royal palace.

"Qi'er, Lin'er, Zhi'er, do you still know your uncle?" As soon as Gong Juechen saw the three little beauties, he ran towards them and happily asked the three little beauties if they still knew him.

The three little beauties just had bright eyes and tilted their heads as they looked at Gong Juechen, looking particularly curious about Gong Juechen.

Gong Juechen bent down, pinched the faces of the three little beauties, and then laughed and cursed: "Three little heartless little ones, it's a shame that your uncle has taken care of you before, but you forgot about your uncle so quickly. "

Jing Jing walked over with a smile, "They are only two years old and a month old, and they haven't seen you for ten months. How can they have such a good memory to remember you."

Immediately, Jing Jing said to her three children: "Three little beauties, come to mother."

The three little beauties immediately ran towards Anjing on their short legs.

Quietly squatting there, until the three little beauties ran into her arms, she pointed at Gong Juechen and said, "That's your uncle Juechen. He took care of you before. Please call him uncle."

The three little beauties did not scream, but came out of An Jing's arms and ran towards Xiao Changyi.

While hiding behind Xiao Changyi, they also hugged Xiao Changyi's legs. Once they hugged Xiao Changyi's legs, they exposed their heads a little. They first looked at Gong Juechen, and then raised their little heads towards Xiao Changyi. He said angrily: "Dad blames uncle and uncle blames uncle"

Gong Juechen immediately covered his heart, looking heartbroken, and said, "Oh, I'm really sad now."

Jing Jing suddenly laughed, "Why do you care about them? They are still so young. Come on, don't be poor. If Ye Zi were here, I would scold you."

"You don't understand. Hitting is love and scolding is love. The more Zhizhi scolds me, the more she loves me."

Jing Jing was speechless. She stopped chatting with Gong Juechen. Instead, she walked next to Xiao Changyi and briefly explained Tuoba Yao's situation. She said that Gong Juechen could help save the child, but it would be difficult to give birth in the future, and now Meng Zhuqing wanted Tuoba Yao to abort the child, but Tuoba Yao wanted to keep the child.

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