Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1791 I don’t mind if you are more shameless than me

Gong Juechen said nonchalantly: "Then you think about it, I'm not in a hurry anyway." Unless he dies, he will still be the owner of the Slayer Tower.

And he should still live for several decades, so he is really not in a hurry and someone can take over his job now.

Jing Jing said a few words to Ye Zhi first, and then looked at Gong Le who was obediently staying in Gong Juechen's arms.

Gong Le was a little afraid of strangers. When she saw An Jing looking over, she buried her little face in Gong Juechen's arms. Then she revealed her two small eyes and looked at An Jing with a look of fear and curiosity.

Jing Jing smiled and said, "It seems like Lele doesn't remember me."

It would take more than ten years for Gong Le to turn two years old. When Gong Juechen and Ye Zhi took Lele away from the Imperial Capital, Gong Le was only a little over a year old, and it was completely normal not to remember An Jing.

"My Lele still remembers me." He hasn't seen his precious daughter for more than a month. To be honest, Gong Juechen is really afraid that Gong Le, his precious daughter, will forget him.

However, fortunately, his precious daughter called him daddy when she saw him and opened her little arms for him to hug him. He immediately stopped worrying because his precious daughter remembered him.

That's why Gong Juechen said this to show off.

After showing off, Gong Juechen shook Gong Le in his arms and said like a loving father: "Lele, call me aunt."

Gong Le was wearing a tiger hat and was fair and fair. She raised her little face and looked at Gong Juechen first. When Gong Juechen urged her to call her aunt, she turned her little head and looked at An Jing. She timidly called out: "Auntie."

Jingjing first responded to Gong Le's voice, and then said with envy: "Lele is much more obedient than the three little beauties in my family. They call people when they are told. The three beauties in my family have to be coaxed for a long time before they are willing to call."

"Jingjing, it's not me who said it. Qi'er, Lin'er and Zhi'er are really not as good as my Lele. No other family's children can compare with my Lele." Gong Juechen said, "My precious daughter is the best in the world." Child's expression.

Ye Zhi smiled and scolded: "Even if you think Lele is good, you won't belittle other people's children."

"What's the matter?" Gong Juechen didn't care, "Jingjing doesn't care anyway. Right, Jingjing?"

Jing Jing could understand Gong Juechen's love for Gong Le, his daughter, but: "I care."

Why can't her children compare to Gong Le? !

As if he didn't expect Jing Jing to say that, Gong Juechen was stunned for a moment, then smiled playfully: "You can't help it if you care. Anyway, I've said everything. I've said it, and I can't take it back."


Ye Zhi was also quite speechless.

And Su Yixing finally complained: "Master, you are always so shameless."

Gong Juechen didn't even look at Su Yixing and said, "I don't mind if you are more shameless than me."

Su Yixing was too lazy to say anything to his master, Gong Juechen. A man who is shameless is invincible, and his master is already invincible at this point, and he cannot surpass him even if he wants to.

What's more, he doesn't want to surpass it at all.

Jing Jing no longer argued with Gong Juechen, knowing that it was useless to argue. Gong Juechen was such a shameless person, so she smiled at Ye Zhi and said: "You have been traveling for a month, are you tired? Let's go. Let’s go back to the palace quickly.”

"Okay." Ye Zhi smiled.

Xiyun Palace.

Although the three little beauties did not remember the second brother Su Yixing, because they were not afraid of strangers and Su Yixing was interested in playing with them, the three little beauties soon became familiar with Su Yixing again.

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