Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1809 Retreat

Without waiting for An Jing and Xiao Changyi to say anything, Su Chengyu said again: "Forget it, you have given so much for Xiyun and for us brothers and sisters, I should let you live the life you want."

An Jing just smiled.

Xiao Changyi rarely raised his lips.

On the third day of April, Su Yijing entered the military camp for training.

On the fourth day of April, An Jing and Xiao Changyi set off and retired to the countryside with three little beauties.

Meng Zhuqing and Tuoba Yao followed them with their son Meng Yuanze.

Meng Lanqing and Gong Juese followed them with their youngest son Meng Sifeng. As for their eldest son, who is also the eldest grandson of the Meng family, Meng Sibo was left to Madam Meng.

Xiao Changyi did not take any of the dead warriors with him, and all stayed in the palace to protect the safety of An Yiyun and An Yiqing.

Some ministers, including Prime Minister Li, knew that Xiao Changyi was going to retire, but they didn't say anything, because An Jing and Xiao Changyi said: "If Xiyun needs us one day, we will come back even if we are too old to walk." Although Xiao Changyi retired, he was still the king of Xiyun who was respected by everyone. Of course, the news of Xiao Changyi's retirement was not spread, and only a few people knew about it. But even fewer people knew where Xiao Changyi retired. An Jing and Xiao Changyi lived in Beihe. Beihe already belonged to Xiyun. It can be said that they were still in Xiyun. The new home was surrounded by mountains and rivers. There were no people within a radius of ten miles. It was very quiet and pleasant. An Jing and his friends traveled all the way and it took nearly two months to arrive at this new home. Before, this new home was built by An Jing and Xiao Changyi. Meng Lanqing brought people to build it. Three families were really built. Each household kept a certain distance.

One family had several rooms and yards to prevent any wild animals from coming down from the mountains at night.

Anjing's family had many children, and Jingxing Qingyun might come to see them at any time. Considering this, Anjing and Xiao Changyi's house naturally had several more rooms and a much larger yard.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the mountains and rivers, smelling the fragrance of flowers, listening to the birds, facing the wind, and feeling this real nature, Anjing felt like being in a fairyland on earth and really liked this place.

The three little beauties didn't like this place very much at first. They thought there was nothing fun and no one played with them, but later, when Anjing started raising chickens, ducks and sheep, they liked it.

What they liked most was catching chickens, ducks and sheep.

Every time they saw chickens and ducks flying around because of them, and sheep running around because of them, they were very happy.

When they were older, Anjing and Xiao Changyi would take them to the water to play from time to time, and they liked this place even more.

Since coming here, An Jing and Xiao Changyi have not planted any crops, just simple vegetables, chickens and ducks. An Jing raised a sheep because he thought it was good for children to drink goat milk.

The three little beauties like to herd sheep, so An Jing and Xiao Changyi raised two more sheep so that one little beauty can herd one to avoid quarrels between the three little beauties because of the sheep.

As for the rice they eat, Meng Lanqing and Meng Zhuqing go to Anji Rice Shop from time to time to get it.

Anji Rice Shop is all over Xiyun, and it is very convenient to get rice. They don't worry about having no rice to eat.

Meng Lanqing, Meng Zhuqing, Tuoba Yao, and Gong Juese didn't know how to grow vegetables at first, but later, under Xiao Changyi's order, they began to learn to grow vegetables from Xiao Changyi and An Jing.

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