Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1813 Half Respect

"Second brother!" The three little beauties were very happy to see Su Yixing and ran towards Su Yixing.

"Oh, my three precious brothers, have you left anything good for the second brother?" Su Yixing smiled like an old fox.

The three little beauties immediately nodded heavily: "Yes! We have brought all the good things that our second uncle and stepmother gave us, and we want to give them to our second brother!"

Jing Jing, Xiao Changyi: ""

Originally, they didn't allow the three little beauties to bring those good things, but the three little beauties got angry because of this and said they wouldn't come unless they were allowed to bring them. In the end, they had no choice but to let the three little beauties bring them. The beauty brought it.


Anyway, Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi didn't know what to say.

"So good" Su Yixing was particularly happy. "Second brother hasn't forgotten you either. He's got a lot of fun things for you. Second brother will take you to play later."

"Yeah." The three little beauties immediately nodded happily. They have always been playful. Baby they don't care, they just love to play.

Jing Jing and Xiao Changyi: ""Could it be that their three little beauties were brainwashed by their second son because of those fun things?

"Young Master, since you are here, I will leave now." Ronghua smiled at Su Yixing, then turned around and left with the others.

If he was 100% respectful to Gong Juechen, the host, then he was only 50% respectful to the young master. Of course, when this young master becomes the landlord, he will naturally be 100% respectful.

"There is such a charming person in this Slaughter Sky Tower." Watching Rong Hua leave, who looked like a banished immortal, An Jing couldn't help but sigh with a smile.

"Mom, you'd better stop your smile and gaze, otherwise, dad will be angry." Su Yixing joked.

Jing Jing immediately looked at Xiao Changyi, and sure enough, she saw that Xiao Changyi was not very happy. She immediately hugged Xiao Changyi's left arm and said with a smile: "Just for a look, nothing else."

Only then did Xiao Changyi soften his expression.

Su Yixing was used to seeing his parents showing affection, so he didn't think it was anything. He just said, "Thanks to Master, he likes good-looking people. Since Master took over as the owner of the building, there are only a few people who can stay in this Slaughter Sky Tower." They are all very good-looking. Originally, there were many good-looking female disciples, but when the master saw that those women were uncomfortable, the master transferred those women to separate altars. Now there are only a pitiful number of women in the main altar. I can probably count them on one hand.”

Jing Jing nodded in understanding and smiled brightly at Xiao Changyi. Xiao Changyi no longer felt any jealousy in his heart.

To be honest, he really doesn't like his wife looking at other men.

"However, no matter how outstanding the people here are, I still think our three little beauties are the most beautiful." When Su Yixing said this, he also rubbed the heads of the three little beauties.

The three little beauties didn't care much about what they looked like, they just said: "Second brother, hurry up and take us to play!"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Urgent! We can't even ride in a carriage every day. It almost suffocates us to death!"

Su Yixing laughed, "Second brother wants to take parents to see the room and settle down. I can't play with you yet. However, Qingyi can also use the toys I got for you. Let her take you to play first, okay? good?"

"Okay!" The three beauties nodded immediately. As long as there is something to play with, it doesn’t matter who takes it.

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