Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1815 Deeply learned

Before Jing Jing could speak, Ye Zhi smiled and said, "Lele, do you think he hasn't punished you enough?"

It's strange to say that An Yiqing only knows how to eat, drink and have fun every day, but he is very popular with children.

Including her daughter Gong Le.

Every time Gong Le saw An Yiqing, he would follow An Yiqing around and play around.

Coincidentally, every time she took Gong Le to the secluded place of An Jing to see An Jing, An Yiqing happened to go to live there for a while at that time, so An Yiqing was given the opportunity to watch An Jing.

She clearly remembered that one time, An Yiqing climbed up a tree. Later, he pulled her daughter Gong Le into the tree. Then, An Yiqing jumped off the tree and took the three little beauties under the tree. She went to play somewhere else, leaving Gong Le on the tree with no way to get down. Gong Le burst into tears and cried loudly. Finally, her husband-in-law Gong Juechen heard the cry and ran out of the house in a hurry and took her home. My daughter got it down from the tree.

What's even more strange is that every time her precious daughter is raped by An Yiqing, her precious daughter doesn't take it to heart. She doesn't even know what it means to learn from the experience. Anyway, she is very speechless.

Hearing Ye Zhi say that he was cheating, Gong Le was immediately unhappy: "Mother, how many times have I told you that Brother Qing didn't cheat on me, Brother Qing was just playing with me!"

Ye Zhi gave her a big eye roll, "He's coaxing you. He's not playing with you. He's clearly trying to tease you every time."

"Mother, you" Gong Le stamped his foot angrily, his cheeks bulging, "If you say anything again, I will cry to you?!" As he said that, his eyes turned red so quickly, and he looked like he really wanted to cry. Ye Zhi looked at it.

Seeing this, Ye Zhi could not continue talking, and quickly comforted him: "Lele, don't cry, don't cry, mother, stop talking, he didn't punish you, he didn't punish you, okay?"

Gong Le became happy again and smiled happily: "Yeah"

Ye Zhi wanted to roll her eyes again.

Anyway, the more she looked at An Yiqing, the less she liked him. Who makes him always bully her precious daughter. However, her precious daughter was like taking Ecstasy. She couldn't say anything wrong to him, otherwise, her precious daughter would definitely become anxious with her, and even cry for her.

She had learned this lesson deeply before.


Ye Zhi could only sigh in his heart.

Jing Jing is also very surprised. Why is her third son so popular with children and even for both men and women? Is it because her third son has a playful and naughty personality?

However, Jing Jing was still very happy that Gong Le was so protective of her third son.

Jing Jing looked at Gong Le with an expression as if he were looking at his daughter-in-law, and said with a smile, "Your brother Qing is in the imperial capital and hasn't come over."

Ye Zhi really wanted to give her boss a big look. Her family, Leleke, is not even eight years old yet. What's more, her favorite son-in-law is Su Yixing!

Gong Le said innocently, "Aunt Jing, you are all here, why doesn't Brother Qing come?"

Jing Jing said truthfully: "Because Xing'er only invited Aunt Jing, your Uncle Yi, and your three beautiful brothers to play."

Hearing this, Gong Le immediately complained to Su Yixing with dissatisfaction: "Brother Xing, you are so shameless. You asked Aunt Jing and the others to come, but you didn't let Brother Qing come. Brother Qing is not your brother!"

Su Yixing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he quickly put all the blame on Gong Juechen, "Your father agreed to this. If you are unhappy, go and settle the score with your father."

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