Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1823 I picked someone up and brought him back

Anjing thought that the stream was not very deep, and Su Yijing was idle and had nothing to do. Since Su Yijing had the filial piety to make fish and soup for her, Anjing did not stop Anjing and let Su Yijing take her with him after breakfast. The sharpened stick went to the stream.

As soon as he arrived at the stream, Su Yijing took off his shoes, and then went into the stream with eyes.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was still no rain coming near him, he walked a little further upstream of the stream.

Finally, he was asked to insert a quite large crucian carp.

Putting the crucian carp on the shore, Su Yijing began to spear the fish again, and couldn't help but move up a little further.

It wasn't until he saw another fish swimming near his feet that Su Yijing plunged the stick down quickly and accurately and speared another fish.

As soon as Su Yijing took the fish off the stick, from the corner of his eye, he saw a man in blue clothes lying on the shore not far upstream of the stream. His brows furrowed slightly, and he put the fish on the shore. Just walk towards that person.

A person indeed.

The man was lying on the bank, with his hair disheveled, half of his body in the stream. Su Yijing bent down, turned the man over and took a look, only to find that it was a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old.

She may have been in the water for a long time, and her face was slightly swollen, but you can still tell from her delicate facial features that this girl is still pretty.

Su Yijing did not see any other injuries on the girl, but found that the girl had a cut on her forehead, which was extremely red and swollen, but the surface was a little white after being soaked by the stream water.

Putting his finger on the tip of the girl's nose, Su Yijing found that the girl was still alive, so Su Yijing put the girl on his back and went to get his two forked large crucian carp before returning home.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Jing Jing watching Xiao Changyi weeding weeds in the vegetable garden. Su Yijing said, "Mom, Dad, I picked up someone."

"Huh?" Jing Jing didn't react for a while. He didn't react until he saw someone really wet on Su Yijing's back. "What's wrong with this girl?"

"I don't know, I found it when I was spearing a fish." Su Yijing handed the fish in his hand to Xiao Changyi.

Xiao Changyi didn't care if there was anyone on Su Yijing's back, he took the fish and went to clean it.

Jing Jing greeted Su Yijing and quickly sent him to the guest room to drop him off.

"Should we ask a doctor to take a look at her?" An Jing asked Su Yijing, looking at the girl on the bed.

Su Yijing said: "She has no fever and her breathing is stable. She looks quite normal. She shouldn't need it."

An Jing glanced at the girl's clothes. The clothes were made of high-quality fabrics. "This girl must be from an ordinary family. How can ordinary people afford to wear such good materials?"

Su Yijing was silent.

Jing Jing did not force Su Yijing to speak, but went back to her room and brought a set of her clothes before urging Su Yijing to go out: "Go out quickly, I will change this girl's clothes to prevent her from getting cold. "

Su Yijing then went out.

But before An Jing changed the girl, Xiao Changyi knocked on the door and came in. Xiao Changyi also came in with Tuoba Yao.

As soon as Tuoba Yao came in, he said: "It's better for me to help this girl change. Madam, you are pregnant, so it is better not to do these things."

Not allowing An Jing to refute, Xiao Changyi helped An Jing out of the guest room. Jing Jing found it funny and sweet at the same time. Obviously, Tuoba Yao was called by her husband.

After Tuoba Yao changed the girl's clothes, he casually treated the wound on her forehead.

And the girl didn't wake up until the sun went down.

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