Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1828 Something happened?

Jingjing also saw that Qingqing couldn't eat spicy food, so she smiled and said, "Qingqing, if you want to eat something, just tell me. If my husband-in-law can do it, I will let my husband-in-law cook it for you."

Qingqing's forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat, but she still said politely: "These dishes are fine, but they are a bit spicy."

"I also think it's a bit spicy, but Jing'er always puts so much chili pepper in the dishes because he wants me to give him a baby sister. Now there's not much chili pepper in it. Before you didn't come here, you could almost only see the chili pepper. There’s no food in sight.” When he said this, Jing Jing found it funny.

Qingqing also only knew the saying "sour son and spicy girl", so she didn't ask why Su Yijing asked An Anjing to eat spicy food. However, she found it very strange. Isn't it about having more children and being blessed? Why did Su Yijing want An Anjing to have a younger sister? , instead of hoping that Anjing will give him a younger brother.

Although she felt strange, Qingqing felt that this was Su Yijing's family matter, so she didn't ask.

"You can just make do with it today. Tomorrow I will order Jing'er to add less chili pepper to it." Jing Jing added cheerfully.

This was not her own home. Qingqing felt that the owner of this home should not change anything as she lived here. Just when Qingqing was about to say that she didn't need to take into account her taste, Su Yijing spoke.

All I heard was Su Yijing said to An Jing: "Mom, starting from tomorrow, I won't interfere with dad's cooking."

Jing Jing immediately smiled happily and said, "That's the best. I can finally eat normal meals again."

Qingqing glanced at Su Yijing secretly and wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say.

After dinner and bathing, Anjing went back to the room and lay down. When he saw Anjing lying down, Xiao Changyi was about to take a bath.

But as soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Su Yijing standing not far away, waiting for him.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah." Su Yijing responded without any hesitation. "Dad, I want you to teach me how to make a bowl of egg noodles."

He thought something big happened to his son

Xiao Changyi was silent for a moment, then said: "Cooking something for her?"

It goes without saying that she refers to Qingqing.

Because the food at night was spicy, Qingqing didn't eat much.

Su Yijing still didn't feel embarrassed at all, but admitted: "Yeah."

Xiao Changyi said nothing more and walked towards the kitchen.

Su Yijing quickly followed.

Su Yijing knew how to make a fire. As soon as Xiao Changyi asked Su Yijing to put water in the pot, he asked Su Yijing to start the fire.

After the water in the pot was boiled, Xiao Changyi asked Su Yijing to put the noodles in. When the noodles were boiled, Xiao Changyi asked Su Yijing to beat two eggs into the pot.

Su Yijing did everything.

However, the hand movements are extremely unskilled and clumsy.

Xiao Changyi stood by the stove with his arms folded, instructing Su Yijing to cook the egg noodles. Seeing that although Su Yijing was clumsy in his movements, he was extremely serious, which reminded him of the time when he and his wife lived in a thatched house. Those days.

Time flies so fast. His son has someone he likes and can get married and have children.

After Su Yijing finished cooking the egg noodles, Xiao Changyi left the kitchen and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

As for Su Yijing, he walked to the door of the guest room carrying egg noodles with sugar. Without any hesitation, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who?" Qingqing asked as she was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep when she heard the knock on the door.


Recognizing Su Yijing's voice, Qingqing came to open the door. When she opened the door, she saw Su Yijing holding a bowl of egg noodles in his hand.

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