Chang’an Peasant Girl

Chapter 1838 You Are Not Alone

Although he didn't say anything more to Su Yijing, after breakfast, Jing Jing couldn't help but ask Xiao Changyi to persuade Su Yijing.

She didn't believe that her eldest son could really let go of such a big living person and not care at all.

Xiao Changyi did not immediately go to persuade Su Yijing, but said: "Let him be alone for a while. We are still alive. As the eldest son, he will not do anything stupid. You don't have to worry too much."

Jing Jing also knew that Su Yijing had a heavy sense of responsibility as the eldest son, but she really couldn't help but worry. However, Xiao Changyi said this, and she felt it was right. So, even though she was still worried, she didn't say anything more for Xiao Changyi to persuade.

As soon as Su Yijing washed the bowl, he went to the woodshed to chop firewood. He acted extremely normal, as if Qingqing had never appeared or left.

Anjing is so worried that he can't sleep well at night.

Qingqing had been gone for three days. Xiao Changyi felt that Su Yijing should calm down, so he planned to have a good talk with Su Yijing's son.

But before he could speak, Su Yijing spoke first, with no emotion in his tone: "Dad, I know what you want to say, you don't even need to say it, just listen to me, I won't waste my time on someone who doesn't care. For someone who likes me, since she’s gone, let her go, I don’t want to find her at all.”

Xiao Changyi was silent for a long time, and then asked: "Can you really let go?"


Xiao Changyi didn't believe that Su Yijing would really let go, but he didn't say anything else.

But Su Yijing continued: "Dad, please help me comfort my mother. I am really fine. Tell her not to worry about me. Let her take good care of her. She is still pregnant. If this is because you are worried about me, What happened, how do you want me to face myself, how to face you, and how to face my brothers and the others."

Xiao Changyi sighed softly and then said: "Your mother has me there, so don't worry, just take care of yourself."

After a pause, Xiao Changyi added: "If you can let it go, let it go. If you really can't let it go, don't make yourself suffer too much. You still have your father and mother, and your brothers. You are not alone."

Su Yijing's lips trembled slightly and nodded: "Yes."

He said everything that needed to be said, and Xiao Changyi had nothing more to say. He patted Su Yijing's shoulder lightly before turning and leaving Su Yijing's room to take care of the pregnant Anjing.

Su Yijing sat at the table and stared at his open door for a long time before getting up and going to the guest room.

The guest room has been tidied up by Feng Feiyan, but there are wedding clothes on the cabinet on one side. The wedding clothes were made by Feng Feiyan for herself. Feng Feiyan also made them for Su Yijing at that time, and Su Yijing Su Yijing's wedding dress was for the two of them to wear on their wedding day.

Su Yijing looked at Feng Feiyan's wedding dress expressionlessly. After a while, he grabbed it and held it tightly in his hand. Then he took the wedding dress back to his room and took it from his closet. He took out his wedding clothes, wrapped them in his bag, and then went out with the six rabbits Feng Feiyan had raised.

Afraid that Anjing and Xiao Changyi would be worried, before going out, he shouted to Xiao Changyi and Anjing: "Mom, Dad, I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

As soon as he went out, Su Yijing went to the mountains.

He first released all six rabbits into the forest, and then he took out the fire seal and burned Xifu.

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